Friday, February 04, 2011

A little this...a little that...

Whew, what a week.  It came in nice and sunny and is going out stormy and rainy. Though I’m not complaining. I’ll take our rain to hella-storm in the middle of the country. Ick.

As I mentioned, it’s been quite the week. It started out like any other week, then got progressively better because the dining out and meeting with friends ratio went up. Blueberry, ChickenLady and I met for dinner on Tuesday night.  My appetite is finally back (sadly) and so I’m starting to crave things again.  I’m not sure that’s a good thing, but when I don’t have an appetite it worries me – so I’d rather be hungry than worry.

Anyhow, at dinner Blueberry and I got in a discussion about endives.  I know, “What? Why?”.  We were telling ChickenLady about the meal we had at  Ventana on Saturday.  Blueberry made a comment that the lettuce-y stuff on our plate was endive.  Hang on there Berry…endives aren’t lettuce-y.  I tried to explain what I thought endives were, and her and ChickenLady both looked perplexed.  I took the “I’m a cook!” attitude – but neither of them were having any of that.

So I whipped out the iPhone and the Google ap and looked it up. Turns out we were both right.

This is what I thought endives are/were. And in fact are called Belgian endive. I was saying how you can peel the leaves off and use them as an appetizer dispenser (as in put the dip on the end of it). Blueberry thinking it was the other endive couldn't figure out how that was possible.

This is the endive Blueberry was thinking about. Its also known as chicory and curly endive. 

Satisfied we were both right we went about eating our Thai food.

Last night I got to meet Meg-A-Roonie for some of the best Mexican food around, Peso's Kitchen on Queen Anne.  I've been there a hand full of times and have yet to have a bad meal.  I had red chili beef enchiladas last night and OMG were they good.  I love the fact that they just serve enchiladas.  No beans or rice on the side to make you eat more.  Now, I did order a side of rice because I love their Spanish rice...but it's a small portion and so worth it. I've also heard a vicious rumor that they do one heckuva brunch on Sunday's with a dozen or so different types of - oh hell...what's it called - um - egg's Benedict. I'm not a fan of egg's Benedict, but their carne asada with eggs totally gets my breakfast crave on.

I so didn't take this photo.'s sunny outside and if you know nothing about Seattle in February...the sun isn't what we see much of. 

This weekend I need to get a few things done. The Superbowl commercials are on (yes I watch for the commercials) and I have to make nachos. I've been craving my chorizo nachos so I figured why not mix football and nachos. It's not like anyone else every thought of that.

I need to spend some time this weekend working on the 3Day cookbook too.  It's going to be the end of February before I know it and I won't have received my cookbooks for selling.  Get your order in's going to be the hottest cookbook EVER...