Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day!

Snowpacolyps has sit the Seattle area again, shutting down the city.  Well, some parts of it.  Redmond, where I live, sat in a weird pocket that didn't get too much snow.  An inch at the most...but the ice it created is ridiculously slick! Weird.

So because of above mentioned snow day, I worked from home.  Stang + Snow = Me No Leave-y!  I did manage to get out a bit though as the sun came out and melted parts of the streets. Anything in the shade stayed frozen, which made for interesting driving conditions.  Why did I venture out? Because I had to mail the cookbook.  The darn thing is done.
Kudos to my personal graphics designer, Andy, for the cover.  He's super creative and I'm glad cuz I never would have been able to come up with that cover.  I'll have the books in hand in about 2 months - so watch this space for ordering options.  I'll most likely be selling them for a "minimum donation" of $10+shipping.  It contains 150 tried and true recipes.  You'll love it.

As I was sitting on my couch today working, I glanced over to my side table and noticed all the books waiting to be read.  I laughed because the side table apparently holds the "grown up" books.  I have Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud, Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, by Ree Drummond (Pioneer Woman), Promise Me by Nancy Brinker, and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  I also have two teeny bopper books to read, my journal, and two photography books, and one note book for, well, notes.

I can't remember why I was even mentioning what was on my side

Right, moving on.

Pookie was "helping" me work from home today.  He's a little spoiled.  Okay, he's a lot spoiled. But I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm sure if he spoke English he'd be thanking me for all that I do for him.  At one point today as I sat on the couch with my laptop on the side arm, he hopped up and tried to get onto the laptop.  I tried to explain to him that this laptop is essentially what keeps him fed.  He looked at me in disbelief...and walked away. 

In other news, the PhotoGods are getting together this weekend to do some shooting.  I know you can't wait to see the photos.  I've been pretty good with keeping up with the Project 365, this will only help.