Monday, April 07, 2014

It's the Final Countdown (go ahead sing...I'll wait)

Well, here we are. One day before the BIG WRASPIR FAMILY EUROPEAN VACATION!
did it get here so fast? And sadly in a short time I'll be writing, "how did it go by so fast?"

I have started the final countdown clock, which usually starts with the airline check-in - cuz then it's 24 hours before departure.

I think I'm all ready.

Detailed packing list printed and pen in hand - Check
All important paperwork printed and near a suitcase - Check
Cat sitters - Check
The MomUnit - Check
Photo contest going on FB - Check

Now, the anxiety sets in. Feel it? I sure do. The sweaty palms, the sweaty forehead, the nervous stomach, the "oh my god what am I doing?" feeling, all present and accounted for. Granted the sweaty palms and forehead could be a hot flash, but I doubt it.

What am I anxious about you ask? Oh, well get a cup of coffee and come back. I'll wait.

Oh Hi, welcome back.

There are so many things I'm anxious about these days, but I'll keep the list to just those associated to this trip. 

The first is my expectations of the trip.  For those of you who know me well know I'm a planner. And boy do I plan.  In fact, being unemployed for 2 months prior to this trip may have helped this little anxiety along...I got to plan a lot.

In all that planning, or because of it I should say, I develop a certain level of expectations of the trip.  I have a list of what I want to see, a list of what photos I want to take, I have a list in my head of the # of times I want to stop and each gelato, or stop and eat in general, etc. You see where I'm going with this. 

I get anxious about the "what if the trip doesn't go as I planned?" element here.  Now, I can be a flexible person...and I do try very hard to be in these types of situations. But, I still worry that I won't get to go/do/see everything on my list. Which is ridiculous to think about considering I have limited time everywhere.  And I guess admittedly this worry is mostly about Rome.  I've been on cruises before, I understand you're limited in so many ways and I'm oddly ok with that.

But Rome...we only have 2.5 days in Rome. How can I possibly get all the photos I want/need? How can I get to all the amazing historical sites I must see? How can I eat gelato 3 times a day? And the list goes on...and on... and on...

I do have a small game plan on how to be flexible in Rome. I am aware this time of my over zealous, if  not necessary, planning abilities. I've been down this road before.  This time, though, I think I have a map and I think I have the tools necessary to keep my mind in the experience. I've heard this thing called "go with the flow" and I'd like to try it.

Oh who am I kidding...I can't go with any flow...unless it's a planned flow, then I'm good.

Besides the anxiety of my perfect plan being screwed up, I have, like many I'm sure, an anxiety of traveling in a foreign place.  Knowing full well that not only have I been learning Italian, and that most Italians speak English we should be fine...still I worry that we may get lost, we may get mugged, we may get taken advantage of, etc.  Then a good friend reminded me that if any of those things happen...think of the blog stories I'll have.

So those are the biggies. I'm not going to type out my last one because I worry that if I put it out there in the universe, somehow it'll make it happen. Let's just say, the missing flight from Malaysia has had me all shades of concerned. Not a good color for me.

Be sure to check in on a regular basis. I'm going to try to keep the blog updated daily...which shouldn't be a problem cuz we all know who I like to blog...and show off my photos.

Which reminds me, if you want to get in on the photo challenge just leave a comment. I'm promising a special prize for the person who guesses - as close as possible - to the number of photos I take on this 15 day adventure.  All photos, including the bad ones will be counted for this game.
