Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Because you need to know

Last night was an odd one at Chez Jenn's. And I'm not referring to the going's on's before bed time. I'm referring exclusively to things that went on after the lights were turned off.

And get your  minds out of the gutter!

First let's start with the house cleaner yesterday. She's an interesting bird and I'm not entirely convinced she should be a house cleaner.  She pulls the "Jenn dusting act" and doesn't actually move items, but dusts around them. People, if that's what I wanted, I'd do the dusting.

Anyhow, one of the things they do, which I love, is they change you bed linens. I leave out fresh sheets and when I go to bed, viola, clean sheets. Two things happened with her changing the sheets that are what I'm talking about happening after the lights went out.

Well, sorta.

First, as I entered my room I saw that the top sheet wasn't actually tucked into the mattress. I hate to have the top sheet free and all because it's, well, it's just weird and I have flash backs of my bed being short sheeted in high school

So I unmade the bed and tried to fix this problem.  Only after I started fixing it, and unmaking the bed, I decided to flip my mattress.

In trying to flip said mattress, with my two "helpers", I managed to throw my back out and was in a bit of pain. 

Which led to taking Tylenol PM - 2 pills. Which I never take because it means the next day I'm more useless than normal.

I think it also makes me walk in my sleep.

Which leads to the second point of things that happened post bedtime last night.

The sheets I used for new sheets yesterday were, in fact, brand new sheets. I had washed them and folded them ever so nicely. Only I didn't realize they were made out of sandpaper.

Good Lord were they rough sheets.  As I went to bed, a bit groggy from the Tylenol I remember thinking the sheets were rough and I should get up right now and change them. I didn't.

About 1am, I got up and swapped out the pillow cases only for a softer set.

About 2:30 am, I got up and swapped out the top sheet for a softer sheet (though not a matching sheet to the pillow cases).

About 3:45am, I unmade the entire bed, and put on a fitted sheet - that matched the pillow cases. Threw on the top sheet, but didn't tuck it in, and went back to bed.

I got up this morning and didn't actually remember right away what I had done. I do recall, vaguely hearing a large thump when I was swapping out the top sheet and think I pulled it and a cat off the bed too quickly. Lucy wasn't exactly talking to me this morning so I think it was her.

My point to this a PSA announcement:

At least I think that's the point...