Sunday, March 11, 2018

Passive Aggressive Behavior...

I have serious issues with passive aggressive behavior. I just don't understand it. I don't understand a lot of things, and when I don't I try to figure it out. All too often I just can't wrap my mind around things that just, logically, don't make sense to me.

And this is one of them.

I can understand, a little, this behavior in children. It's a coping mechanism I'm sure. They don't know how to communicate well enough, so they don't.

But adults acting like this just drives me bat shit crazy.

If you've got something to say. Say it!
If you're pissed at me, don't beat around the bush. Tell me. Help me understand why something I did, pissed you off. That doesn't mean I'll necessary stop - I mean I have my own issues there. But be brave enough to talk to me.

I could spend a lifetime guessing at why someone is mad, disappointed, sad, etc at some action I took. And more often then not, I'm probably wrong which then spirals into me getting more and more angry about whatever the situation may be.

As I've aged I've started realizing that so many people I know are "afraid" to talk about what's bothering them. So they do weird little shit to avoid it and somehow, miraculously, I'm supposed to figure out what 1) I did and 2) how to fix it.

How does that make sense?

So go ahead, be mad. Be bothered. But please...also... be an adult.

Oh, and the irony isn't lost on me that this entire post is passive aggressive.

You're welcome!


Kathy Brasch said...

I think that's why social media is what it is. People who have these tendencies now can spew it all out there on the internet, but don't have the balls to tell it to your face.