Sunday, April 08, 2018

Oh Sherrie...Oh 50th

So BlueBerry's 50th birthday is quickly approaching. In January I asked her if she wants to have a party. She said yes. I figured I had, well, 4 months to plan it. Suddenly last weekend I realized I hadn't really done too much of the planning. Like the bare minimum. Thankfully, the Landlords live in an high rise apt bldg that has a community room we can rent out. That was easy. Getting the list of invitees was a challenge, but we got the invites out.

Then on Friday I realized I have just one weekend left to pull this together. Blueberry came over today and we killed the list of things to do.

We got 4 photo collages together for the party.
We bought party supplies / decorations.
We bought / ordered the food from Costco.

Side Note: I'm really unsure what part of my brain shut off when I said, "Hey let's go to Costco on a rainy Sunday." Lord the number of people there was astonishing.

Anyhow, while at Costco, Blueberry also bought a new camera...finally. She bought a smaller, less fancy version of my new camera. So we sat for 2 hours reading the manual and playing with the new camera. I think she's all set for Scotland now.

As we were putting together the photo collages, I just sat there and marveled at the idea that we'll be fifty. How did that happen? I certainly don't feel like what I thought 50 would feel like. I mean, when I was in my 20's fifty was OLD. Now it just seems like the next decade and my give a damn is less available.

Other not so interesting things going on:
If April showers bring May flowers, it's going to be one helluva blooming month. The rain over the last couple of days has been relentless.

I found another semi-conscious yellow jacket in my bathroom. That's two. I'm starting to wonder as it's warming up if there's a nest of them in the crawl space of something. I'm going to have to move if there is. I hate bees.

One of my nieces is getting married this coming weekend.  I imagine if Mom were still around, I'd be picking her up from the airport sometime this week. I miss her.

And with that, I'm going to close the laptop before the light turns off (its on a timer and shuts off about 10:10 every night).