Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Its Cooooolllldddd out there campers!

Again, I find myself in need to write about the weather. Mostly because there's not a whole lot more interesting going on in my life and mostly because Seattle weather is just bizarre.

Last weekend we were greeted with BEAUTIFUL spring weather. Temperatures were in the mid 50's and upper 50's on some days. Which I know for you California / Arizona types is still cold. But for us Seattle types, that's shorts weather man.

Then Tuesday morning we were greeted by SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly SNOW. Now granted I now live in the "convergent" zone, or I think I do, and because we got snow doesn't mean anywhere else got snow. Regardless, I had about an inch of snow on the ground. Snow. That's when I have to remind myself, we are still in February. And in our neck of the woods, February could mean snow. Of course it could be rain, sun, sleet, hail, or just cloudy too. You never really know here. They say if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it'll change.

If you've not been to the Seattle area then you wouldn't know this, but we're surrounded by mountains. To the East we have the Cascades and to the west we have the Olympics. On a beautiful sunny day, like today, its usually butt cold and beautiful because the mountains are all visible and are displaying their beautiful snow covered selves. Man its breath taking.

This weekend however, we are being hit with an "artic blast", which is news coverage code for "its going to get freakin' cold out there." They are saying that our lows are going to be in the single digits. Like around 8 degrees. EIGHT degrees? When did I move to North Dakota...of course in ND that's a warm front. And there's another possibility of Snow.

I'm getting cold just thinking about all this. Here's a photo that a friend sent me yesterday of the snow.


Ken La Salle said...

Ooooh, PRETTY!

Al & Jo said...

Boy--did we get out of town in time. Even though, leaving Jennifer's house at o-dark-thirty (in laymans terms, 5:00 a.m.) we were snowed on! But, alas, we are home in Tucson, where is is a balmy 78...however, the wind is blowing hard enough to blow us right back to Washington if we weren't anchored down!