Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Emptier than I've ever been...

Tomorrow is the big day. As it quickly approaches I'm filled with anxiety and a bit of excitement.

The doctor appt on Monday deemed I was a "perfect" specimen (hey!) for the laparscopic robotic hysterectomy. Lucky me. The doc told me, and I quote, "You're set up perfectly." Who knew I was "set up" perfectly. I would hope I'm "set up" like all women, but maybe I am more different than you all thought.

Two things came out of the appt that didn't please me at all and is the reason for previously mentioned anxiety.

1.) I had to starve myself today by an all liquid diet. AND I had to take some nasty stuff that "tastes like cherry" to clean out my innards. I know TMI, but still.


2.) I get to give myself injections for 21 LONG days after the surgery thanks to my blood clot issue I had a few years ago. The doctor doesn't want to take any chances, and while I agree with him, I'm sure modern technology allows for another method to thin my blood. Like, can't I just drink more water? Or can't I take a pill? Why shots? I expressed my concern to him by nearly begging, but he would not be swayed.

The biggest news of the appt was that he will be taking all my girly parts. He wasn't 100% convinced that the ovaries aren't in danger and so thought while he was in there might as well. My sentiments exactly! Naturally my first concern was the steep drop into menopause without my girly parts, but rest assured he had an answer for that too. I get to wear an estrogen patch for 10 more years or however long before I hit menopause.

Now, if you're up on your facts you may know that estrogen was the cause of my blood clots to begin with. They think. I was on birth control pills and we all know those are estrogen. We all do know that right? So he'll be putting me on an extremely low dose. AND apparently taking estrogen orally causes way more problems with clots due to something your liver does or doesn't due in processing (frankly I glazed over when he was telling me). Whereas with the patch, it seeps in through your skin, and it's safer.

In the long run it'll also reduce my risk of breast cancer in my later years.

The parental units made it up here and are settling in. Mom's been laughing at me all day as I've made many, many MANY trips to the little girls room. And even though I've had nothing to eat today, I'm somewhat surprised at how not hungry I am. Though I have my mind set on a nice big burger sometime Thursday.

I wanted to say a BIG FAT THANK YOU to everyone who has sent me well wishes. You never really know how much support you're friends will provide until you need it, and I've gotta say, you are all the best friends ever.

So with that, I'm going to go drink some more water and have some orange jello, get a good night sleep and by this time tomorrow I'll be 3lbs lighter and without my girl parts.


Lesley said...

Jenn, I'll be thinking of you lots tomorrow and sending you good thoughts and mojo and swinging chickens and all that. I hope your surgery is uneventful and you're home recovering soon. And I do hope someone brings you some Starbucks to the hospital!