Monday, November 23, 2009

I light my torch and wave it for the NEW MOON on Monday...

Go Team JACOB!

Yes that's right I went an supported Team Jacob this weekend. I went early on Saturday to avoid any screaming teeny boppers. Blueberry and Mrs Braspir (who's name will now be Queen PopUp). I was no fan of the first movie. In fact, I hated it. Too many longing looks and no enough dialog. Blech!

New director for New Moon and it's an entirely different movie...well of course it's different, but you know what I mean. Loved it. I may have to walk over and see it again this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, its Turkey day in case you didn't know. A lot going on this weekend. Here's a little preview for you:

1. Turkey Day of course. I'm hoping the prodigal brother makes it over from Eastern Wa so I can see him. I haven't seen him in about a year. Spending Turkey day with BigBro and that fam. Food and Family, what could be better.

2. Hair cut - Yes. It's time. Despite the money being short at the moment, a girl has to look like a girl. Which means getting one's hair styled correctly. Plus..well why am I trying to explain it to you?

3. Straight No Chaser - Yes that's right. Don't be jealous. BigBro, Seattle SIL and I are all going to see them. Seattle SIL found they were in town and so offered it up. I can't wait! In case you don't remember who they are...check this out.

4. Apple Cup - Though this year it should be called the Toilet Bowl. Stinky. That's what our two university teams are this week. But yes, it's the University of Wa Huskies (BOOO) vs the Washington State Cougars (Yay). Someone has to win. They both stink, so who knows. The cougs stink way more than the I'm guessing they'll lose.

5. Christmas Photo Sunday - Usually by this time of year I already have my cards done. They are usually made by hand and my letter is usually written, printed, envelops addressed, sealed, stamped and ready to go. This year I haven't even started. I'm way behind. So I've decided to go a different route this year. One of my volleyball buds has a photo studio in his house and offers to do photos. And I'm going to take him up on this offer. The question is what to do. I have a few ideas, but I'm sure you my faithful readers have ideas. Do tell. No. There will be no nudey photos...I can't afford breaking his camera and replacing it.

6. My last injection! This should be listed first cuz that day is Wednesday. Yes that means I have THREE left...not that I'm counting or anything.


Lesley said...

You do a Christmas card photo? I love that idea! I need to do that too! I am determined to actually get cards sent this year. For once!

Oh and thanks for the ear worm. I'll be singing New Moon on Monday all morning now! :)