Friday, December 11, 2009

Hitting the Panic Button....

I hit the panic button today. I had a wee little panic attack today. I got another medical bill. It won't end. And as I added it to my spreadsheet of bills, I double triple checked to make sure it wasn't a duplicate. And when I realized it wasn't my heart sank.

I knew what I had to do. I had to call the momunit and tell her I forfeit the $$ I've put in for the cruise, but I can't go. The $$ I was saving for that cruise would have put a small dent into the medical bills.

Then after thinking about how the MomUnit would respond (most likely by saying "Put on your big girl pants and deal with it!) I realized the small amount I'm budgeting for the cruise really won't put a big dent into the medical bills. At which time I decided - "Meh - I need the cruise."

Crisis averted. Phew!

Today was move day at work. I moved from my comfy office with PMDude to back out into the new "bull pin" we've created for the program I'm supposedly managing. Poor PMDude, he won't have anyone to bring him random 80's songs all the time. Nor will he have someone constantly yammering on and on to her computer. He'll be bored. I'm concerned for his well-being.

Nothing overly exciting for this weekend. Meeting some Husky friends tomorrow night for dinner. (Side Note: Almost cancelled the dinner too for above mentioned medical bills). Then I'll be sitting all warm and cozy in my apt as we wait for SNOW to supposedly arrive on Sunday. Yes, Snow. As if the frigid cold we've been experiencing isn't enough. Blech! Snow.


Al & Jo said...

OH how right you were about what I would say! And snow might be warmer.............