Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Its my birfff-day...

Yes mam, I am now 41. Wow. How'd that happen? I'm excited though, I feel pretty darn good for being "in my forty's". And after all life begins in your forty's right? As Patron Saint told me today 41 is a prime number and therefore I'm in my prime. I'd better make the most of it.

We're going to start the celebration off with appetizers and wine tasting at Chez Jenn's. Several friends are coming over tonight for the great celebration. It should be a blast. I've got homemade olive tapenade, teriyaki meatballs, pistachio cheese log (minus some of the pistachios - we had a small kitchen mishap in which I dumped most the chopped nuts on the floor...Me good.), shrimp/cream cheese spread and of course wine. Lots of wine.

In other exciting news, I selected my cruise excursions last night. Not too surprising almost all of them are visiting mayan ruins. And I managed to stay under my budget! WooHoo! That just means extra $$ for drinks on the cruise ship. That cruise ship that is going to leave in T-minus 10 days. Not that I'm counting.
Now I have some birff-day candles to blow out....