Friday, November 05, 2010

63 Years Ago Today

The world changed as we know it.  Well I didn't know it had changed yet cuz I wasn't around...but that day this lovely was born.

Yes, she was a cute one.  Just look at those chubby cheeks.  She still makes that face too, BTW.

Then that lovely had this lovely. And the two became one...almost...

wow..skinny and young (Spain 1986)
Yes that's a one piece shorts outfit.  They were cool in the 80's. 

Yes, 63 years ago my mom was born.  I'm sure in 1947 neither she, nor my grandparents, knew she'd grow up and be the world most awesomest mom...but she did.  And I'm so very lucky to have a mom like her, and a relationship with a mom like her.

She's lived a life that has been full.  She's traveled, she's been loved, and she happens to have the world's best daughter.  What more could a woman want? 

In all seriousness, I've been blessed to have a role model like her. She did what she had to do in the early years, to make sure my sister and I were well cared for.  She's made sacrifices that I can't even begin to imagine (nor do I want to), and did most of it without complaining.  Even today she's sacrificing a lot taking care of dad.  And she doesn't complain...well, okay, she does, but she deserves to.  And her complaints aren't whining...there's a difference.

So Happy Birthday're the best and are so lucky to have me as a daughter...hahaha, I'm kidding. I kid. I'm a kidder.  And thanks for listening to Careless Whispers in 1986 4 THOUSAND times on our way to Bakersfield...if you ever had a right to complain it would have been that day with a crying teenager in your care listening to George Michael belt out his sorrows. 

In other non mom birthday news, the Big Black Beast of Burden had a visit by the V-E-T yesterday.  The V-E-T had some concerns and was afraid Pookie had thyroid issues AND kidney issues.  She confirmed he has a heart murmur and the combination of the three could be bad. 

Thankfully, today she called and said he does in fact have a kidney disease. Luckily it's treatable by simply changing his diet.  Which is simple and expensive no doubt. 

The V-E-T recommended yesterday I go buy those little pill pockets to see if Pookie will eat them because it'll make it easier to give him medication.  So today I picked up a bag (for $9) brought it home and before I could get one out of the bag the cat was climbing my leg.  He apparently likes them.

Then the V-E-T calls and he won't need medication after all. Figures.  At least now he has some pretty tasty treats.


Al & Jo said...

Thank you daughter. I love you. And yes, I am crying.