Monday, November 15, 2010

The Weekend...

The weekend came and went in such a flurry that I’m hard pressed to recount just what I did. Aside from the normal laundry, vacuuming, cleaning etc, it’s all a blur.

BeagleBabe and I set out early on Saturday morning to attend the Scrapbook Convention. Yah, I know. You’re shocked they have a convention. Well, they do and I am sure it’s a huge money maker for them…from my wallet’s empty-ness I can vouch for the $$ they make. Still, I was glad I went and gladder still that I stayed within my budget. Nothing I bought did I “absolutely” need and most likely could have lived without…but I just couldn’t help myself. So many good deals. They prey on the weak.

When I got home and started sorting through the paper, clips, flowers, doo-dads, etc I realized, again, that I could sell everything in my scrapbook room and 1) have a room that’s not called the scrapbook room and 2) buy a small island and a plane to get me there.

Now the pressure’s on to use everything in said room. I’ve not felt the scrapbooking motivation that I normally feel and am hoping it comes back soon. I miss it…and God knows there’s plenty to do. I’d like to have all of 2010 done before 2011 starts….but that’s not gonna happen I don’t think. We shall see. If you're a bettin' type of person, I wouldn't bet on this.

Sunday was the very popular and famous Sunday Dinner at Chez Jenn’s. You should have seen the line outside of guests waiting to get in. All clamoring to feast on the meal that Jenn herself prepared with her own hands.

Okay, so there was no line this month. It was, in fact, an actual “family” dinner. Just BigBro, Seattle SIL, and Blueberry were in attendance. Thankfully they all came hungry and we boy did we eat. I cooked a brisket again and man…the leftovers I’ll have for lunch today….mmmm…mmmm good.

Thanksgiving is just days away now.  I got out this weekend and did my shopping for Turkey day (I'm hosting at my house for HikerGirl and Marathon Bob who will be coming in from Big Sky Country).  I was stunned at my grocery bill for groceries that included Sunday dinner, all week dinners for me (and one night including a friend for dinner) AND Thanksgiving...all for under $100. 

Which just leaves more money for scrapbooking supplies...or saving...or a plane ticket to Tucson...