Friday, November 19, 2010

Or Thursday - watch the walls instead, It's Friday, I'm in Love.

Yes, I'm in love.  In love with what I am not sure. Give me 5 minutes and I'll come up with something to love.

So its Friday! 


How'd that happen?

I'd recount what I did all week, but honestly I don't really remember.

Oh! Oh! Wait...I remember something.

Tuesday!  Tue...or was it Wednesday! Yes, Wednesday! Mega-Roonie came over for dinner.  At first it started as just to good friends getting together to catch up. It had been awhile you see and we finally found a time to have dinner.  Dinner was at Chez Jenn's and I tempted Mega-Roonie into coming over by offering up a recipe by the Pioneer Woman.  Now, I'm a big fan of PDub now.  She and I, I'm sure, are sisters some how.  Anyhow, I made Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich, which BTW, you MUST make. Go ahead. Click on the link. Drool. I'll wait.

It's not only inexpensive, but quite good. And as we slobbered our way through dinner, in between mouth fulls we talked about other ways to have this meal. For example, Mega-Roonie thought the idea would be good with Fajitas.  I agreed, minus the bell peppers.  Then we thought putting it in a pita pocket...and we went on and on, happily discussing how else we could eat this.

Then it turns out that Wednesday night was the night PDub had challenged Bobby Flay to a Throw-Down - wooo...I could barely contain myself.  So we ate. We watched PDub win and all was right in the world.

Last night, I met a couple of the Traveling Crabs (that's my new name for the Hunting crew wives, who consists of the MomUnit, Mrs. Brach-pir, Seattle Sister In Law and me - or I - or whatever.) minus the MomUnit, add in Blueberry (she's an honorary Traveling Crab) at the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center.  It was good.  Quite interesting. They had a bunch of the props from all the movies that they had displayed along with some interesting facts/tidbits about the movie.  In fact as we wondered through I couldn't help but feel how incredibly creative the author was...amazing really.  All in all it was a fun night.

Turns out today, thanks to my efforts to not let this happen, I now have a sore throat.  My Officemate has been sick all week, though I'm not convinced I got this from her, but being a Capricorn I have to have someone to blame.  I'm pushing the liquids laden with Airborne and Vitamin C stuff and am hoping it doesn't go into a full on cold. I just had a cold in like August. One a year is my quota.  Not to mention next week is Thanksgiving and I have guests coming to visit! Argh!

The weekend ahead looks to be quite. I need to clean (see above mention of guests), I need to run to Costco (ugh), and I need to scrapbook.  Tough life I tell ya.