Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Week of Thanks

Last week was a whirlwind as is most holidays.  This year, we had our own special weather issues to deal with.

The snow started mid-day on Monday and it turned to ice. For three days I was home bound - me and the Stand do not venture out in the ice weather.  It's just safer for everyone if we stay home.

So the Stang and I stayed home and worked from home for three days.  I did take a couple of trips to the grocery store however.  I bundled up, got out my slightly used (read: used once) hiking boots, scarf, gloves, and warm jacket.  I set out to finish my Thanksgiving day dinner shopping. 

See how beautiful it is when it snows.  Notice the pond behind me is slightly frozen over.  It was that cold.  In fact, we had days down in the teens.  Now those of you reading from back East probably think we're pansies...but it doesn't get that cold here...we don't know what to do.  So I did what most do, stayed home and drank warm drinks.

HikerGirl and Marathon Bob were coming to Thanksgiving from Montana. We had to make them feel welcome by having snow on the ground and fresh French Breakfast Puffs for them. God I love these dangerous, little, nuggets, of yum. If you haven't you really should make them. You'll thank me for it, I promise.

My guests arrived and the day for all the cooking and celebrating began. I quickly ran out of room in my fridge so I stuck Henrietta on the back porch to "chill" for a little. She had a big day ahead of her so I wanted to be sure she was relaxed.

As I was putting the old bird outside I noticed some little tracks in the snow.  Some other bird had already been out on the deck.
At noon the bird was in a bag, seasoned and ready for it's 3 hour sauna.  A side note, if you've not ever cooked a bird in a bag, you should try it.  They get done in way less time and are sure moist and so tasty. 

3 short hours later the bird was done.  Some of my guests weren't here yet because they misunderstood what I meant by "anytime after 1, and dinner's at 3", so the bird sat for 30 minutes or so as I finished preparing the rest of the meal.  By now HikerGirl, Marathon Bob and I were already stuffed from all the clam dip we had before.  Yet somehow we knew we'd find room for the feast that was about to be put before us.

No carvers in the house, so I grabbed the knife and set to work. Thank God my dad taught me year's ago how to carve a chicken. Turkey's are just big chickens.  Although this bird didn't want to be carved at all.  It slipped all over the cutting board. Next year I'm putting a towel down, I think that would help.

At the end of the day we had a feast.  It was traditional through and through, which is how I like Thanksgiving.  Menu included the bird, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli casserole, and dressing.  We were stuffed, and happy.

At the end we still had room for some homemade pie. Claudia and her mom brought the homemade pies.  One apple, and one cherry.  I didn't have the cherry, but I can tell you the apple was to die for.

The rest of the weekend is kinda blur. HikerGirl and Marathon Bob had friends they wanted to see so they took off doing their thing.  My think is decorating for Christmas.  The tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down the day after Christmas (It has to be gone in time for my just does).  So Mr. Volleyball and The Dane came over to help decorate and ultimately visit with HikerGirl and Marathon Bob. Though HikerGirl napped, somehow, in the living room with us all talking around her.  Too many carbs I think. 

 Pookie seems to approve of the decorations too.   He found his spot in front of the fireplace and slept contently waiting for Santa to bring him some real food and not this nasty kidney health food he has to eat now.  Poor Kitty. So neglected.


chickenlady said...

and the recipe for french breakfast puffs is.....