Friday, December 17, 2010

Good Golly Miss Molly

cafe cioccolato - Chocolate latte with Nutella, steamed milk and espresso




This was one of the best things I've ever tasted.

And I've tasted some pretty darn good things.

The work team of 4 crazy marketing women went to lunch today to celebrate the holiday season.  We decided to do a cookie exchange and go to lunch.  A fantastic combo I might add.

We went to Tutta Bella in Issaquah (for those non Northwest folks that's ISS-A-KWA - with the emphasis on the Iss). Their claim to fame is authentic, true Neapolitan pizza.  I usually laugh when a restaurant says "authentic Italian pizza" because unless you've been to Italy - especially southern Italy - and tried their pizzas there's no way anyone stateside can duplicate that.  Believe me, I've looked.

Still Tutta Bella pizza was good. Real good. Tasty even! Burp!

The treat came with "dessert".  The entire reason we went to Tutta Bella.  The Nutella latte!

My boss had mentioned it off-handedly after a meeting and I perked up and said "Let's do it." So we did it.

And, kids, it was worth every single calorie!  The espresso was creamy, the nutella added a splendid, slightly chocolate/hazelnut flavor - not too sweet, and the little dollop of steamed milk on top.  Oh my Lord.  I'm drooling just thinking about it.

If you're in the Seattle area, and you notice there's a Tutta Bella in your neighborhood. Stop in. Pull up a chair. Loosen you pants. And have yourself a cafe cioccolato - Chocolate latte with Nutella, steamed milk and espresso. You won't regret it. I promise!