Thursday, December 02, 2010

Wheels on the bus go round and round...

Dad's in the hospital again.  It's becoming a monthly occurrence and I don't like it one bit. Not one bit.  With every trip to the hospital I hold my breath wondering if he'll come home.

This trip, especially, makes me angry. He fell while being a pill and fractured his shoulder.  That means surgery.  The surgery is on hold until the swelling goes down and they have him sufficiently off blood thinners so he won't bleed to death during the surgery (apparently doses of vitamin K helps with that - who knew?).

So he's hospital bound for a couple of weeks I'd guess. He can barely get up out of a chair with two arms, I can't imagine him trying to get up with just one arm.  It's gonna be a long haul.

Mom's doing okay, I guess.  This wears on her to be sure.  30 years ago when she said I do, and promised in sickness and in health, she never thought she'd be here.

But who does, really?

When I think back 30 years ago, being a young lass of 11 at the time, my nearest thought was, "I want to be 12." I couldn't even imagine the world we live in today.  I never would have thought I'd be able to tap out words, hit send an instantly someone across the state/country/world could get my message. 

This time of year, I frequently review my life.  I start with my earliest memory (which I'm not sure is a memory or a memory I made up because I saw a photo) and work my way forward.  I stop along the way and feel the hurt of being dumped, feel the loss of a grandparent, or two, or four, or six (yes I had 6 grandparents - I was lucky).  Those torn spots in the fabric of my life, while real and hurt then, don't compare to all the great memories I have.  I chose to review those the most. I guess I'm just an optimist that way.

In other, non deep news, work is awesome. I love this team I'm working with and love everything about my job.  I'm being challenged, and feel valued all the time. Its foreign to me to work for a group who asks you to do something and trust that you're going to do it, and do it well.  I'm not micro managed in any way, and am left to my own devices (which could be dangerous).  It refreshing, to say the least. I'd love to come back to this team after my 3 months off next year.  That's a long time aways and I've got plenty of time to show them they need me.

I bought myself a birthday present.  BeagleBabe made me. I'm going to blame her.  She has one, and I'm sure she'd blame me for her having one.  We're evil to each other that way.  Anyhow, it's a tool I'm sure I'll use and get my money out of for years to come.  I bought myself a Siloutte. 

I know, you're like, "a wha....".  It's a scrapbooking tool, that cuts out letters in ANY font you have on your computer.  So instead of printing titles, or using stickers, or painstakingly cutting out letters, I can have a machine do it for me.  Blessed be! Don't be jealous!


Ken La Salle said...

I was going to write something appropriately maudlin about the mortality of one's parents but I scrapped that. You're welcome.

Anyway, did you notice you effortlessly kept your theme of thankfulness from your previous entry. You weren't even trying, were you? (And no, it might not be obvious but it's there.)