Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve

So this is Christmas...

As I sit her watching Horton Hears a Who, I find myself thinking about Christmas' past, our traditions, and our gifts.

Christmas morning was always the highlight of every childhood. And mine was no different.  My sister and would frequently wake up earlier than mom and dad and so we were asked to stay upstairs until they asked us to come down. 

I can't even remember what reasons they might have gave us as to why we had to stay upstairs or in our room, we didn't bother to ask. We were too excited to rip open our gifts.

There was always one gift that wasn't packed and was left by Santa.  They were usually the bigger gifts like bikes, or Barbie Airplane...OMG I so had a Barbie airplane. 
God I loved that thing.  It folded up into a carrier.  I found this photo on the Internet, it's not of me or one the one I had...but it's exactly like the one I had. 

But I digress.

Christmas eve for our family was full of tradition. 

We always had Frito Lollies for dinner.  You might remember Frito Lollies as I just had them for a Sunday Dinner.  I really have no idea where the tradition came from. I suppose I should find that out.

And each Christmas Eve the sister and I were allowed to open one gift.

We were thrilled.

Every year it was the same gift.  We didn't care, nor do I think we realized it at the time.  Every year we'd open a small, cylinder looking package.  The bow, always on the top of the tube.

What was it you asked?

Why Pick Up Sticks of course.

God, we'd play with them for hours.  Always cheating just a little, and it always ending in an argument over whether a stick had moved or not. 
And every year, in my stocking, Chocolate covered cherries.  I've already bought my box and ate it this year...I figured I wouldn't be getting in the stocking this year so I got my own. They were delicious!

Tomorrow I'm off to BigBro's house for an afternoon of eating and family shenanigans. It should be fun, as always. 

Merry Christmas Everyone. And most important, don't forget, just 4 more shopping days until my birthday!