Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow-Pacolypse is among us

You'd think that nothing else in the world is happening besides this snow storm in the Pacific Northwest.  Our TV channels have been covering the snow 24 hours a day. The same story over and over...

It's snowing. Stay inside. The roads are icy. Here's a dumbass who tried to make it up a hill. And on and on.

It's beautiful, dont' get me wrong, but enough already.  I have about 4inches here, which by some standards isn't a lot, but by PNW standards, its plenty or too much in some cases.

I've been working from home for 4 days now. Nursing a cold and watching it snow as I work through SharePoint content and budgets. Good times.

It is truly a winter wonderland outside.  Serene in a weird way. Almost too quiet at times.  Yesterday it was beautiful seeing the snow fall. Today it's a bit more eery hearing the ice rain hit the window and trees breaking under the weight of the heavy, wet snow. 

Puck's never seen snow before. He romped and played in it all day yesterday. He never got cold either. Weird.  Below he's resting and checking out how frozen the pond is.  He's wondering where all the ducks who usually float on the pond are and is hoping one of the diving ducks didn't get stuck under the ice when it froze over.

Puck's first attempt at checking out the snow didn't go so well. He tried to stand on the railing and promptly slipped off into the drift below. Silly duck.

He did eventually get around to building a snowman.  This was day one of the snow, Sunday. Today the snow covered the snowman and now it's nothing but a bump in the pile of snow.  Sad. 

The weather people say this is supposed to stop now and we're supposed to warm up a little. Hah. I don't see that happening anytime soon.  Its been a nice snow week but I'm ready for our normal Seattle winter with all it's grey skies and rain. Rain is good. I can drive in rain. Sparky likes rain.

Speaking of Sparky. When I pulled into the garage on Saturday when the snow really started, I noticed a weird pattern on Sparky's hood. Some family members, who will remain nameless, have suggested I pull Sparky out, put the top down and shoot a photo.  "Wouldn't it be fun?", said nameless family member. My luck I'd wreck the car just backing out of the garage.

In the meantime while all this snow is falling, I'm going to dream of warmer weather. I'm going to stare at this photo of the day before the snow storm and remember how warm, dry and beautiful it was.