Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lost: One full bottle of glitter

A couple of years ago a friend of mine when talking about her best friend that she lost to breast cancer called her a "full bottle of glitter."  I knew immediately what type of person the best friend was.

Today, I too lost a friend who could only be described as full bottle of glitter.

borrowed from her FB page

Lourdes experienced a ruptured brain aneurysm on Monday. Her prognosis was grim. Today the family listened to their hearts and did what they knew Lourdes would want and took her off life support.

I don't even know what to say about Lourdes that can truly express just what a lovely, spirited, full of life, kind, gracious woman she was.  Reading her FB page tonight broke my heart as she was loved by so many.  Every person she touched chiming in, expressing their love for her and their grief. My heart breaks reading the comments.

One is never really ready to say goodbye to someone you love, and we go through life assuming we have all the time in the world to do things we dream of doing, and telling the one's we love we love them.  I'm here to tell you, do... not... wait... Do it. Live it. Say it.

Lourdes suffered a brain aneurysm about 3 years ago. She vowed to come back better and stronger.  She was determined to live life like there was no tomorrow because she had been close enough to recognize there may not be a tomorrow. She took life by the horns and road it 8+ seconds.  I wish I would have thanked her for reminding me so often that life is for living, without reservation, without fear, without regret.

I'll smile with every thought of you and I'll forever be grateful that you were a part of my life. Many of us go through life never touching as many hearts as you have.  Your footprint is indelible. Your personality mirrored your life....overflowing with exuberance, humor and love. You were a beacon of beauty in the world.   Heaven is taking back an angel tonight. RIP my dear friend.