Thursday, April 19, 2012

Doing What You Love

I recently had an email conversation with a friend who said he can't seem to find what it is he wants to do with his life.  He's worked in and out of Hotel Californiasoft for years and just can't seem to pinpoint what his life passion is. 

I questioned him a little about what he liked to do in his spare time.  What did he read? What movies did he like to watch? What TV did he watch? Did he game? etc. I was trying to figure out what, if anything, in his life was a common denominator.

After and exhaustive three day email thread it finally dawned on me, he just wasn't that interested in living his life. He was a passenger in his life and at this point he wasn't interested in taking over the driver's seat.

It got me to thinking about this on and off over the last several days.  I wondered if I was doing what I love, and if I wasn't doing what I was currently doing, what would I be doing?

I happen to be fortunate that I do love what I'm currently doing. I worked hard to get to where I am and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. 

But would I do something else if I could? 

So many fantasies ideas pass through my noggin daily.  Many are just that, fantasies.  Its fun to think about it, but I'm not that interested in actually doing a lot of them.

As I continued to think about this and wondering am I really doing what I want and more importantly, am I doing the fun stuff in my life that I want to do.  Time to pull out the life list and refine and adjust.

At the end of the day, I'm quite happy where I am. I'm thankful that I've put in the effort needed to get myself to a happy place of work, and play. And more importantly I'm happy that I question, almost every day, am I doing what I want to do? If not, what needs to change.

Are you living the life you want? No? What needs to change?


Unknown said...

YES! I think there are a lot of people who know they aren't happy but don't want to do the (hard) work it takes to figure out exactly why and what might make them happier.

It's risky and scary but to me the payoff is totally worth it. But I like change.

I'm in a weird spot at work right now and need to sort through that, but everything else is awesome :)