Wednesday, April 04, 2012

I'm Christain, Unless you're gay

A few weeks ago I let loose about my opinions on an article that was sent to my niece and nephew.  I’m sure you all remember it.

I’ve been struggling with understanding how homosexuality is a bad thing.  I’m not religious and so therefore cannot understand how a person’s choice (or not a choice I should say) of who the love is a bad thing.  I don’t understand how people who claim (and I’m generalizing here because I have SEVERAL friends who are Christians and who, while disagreeing with me often, still love all despite who or what they are).

I have a family member who is a devout Christian. DEVOUT. And I respect his belief and his way of life. I truly do. I do not, however, respect him when he pushes his beliefs onto me, my niece, my nephew or anyone else for that matter.  

I’ve asked the question a number of times of him and others who follow a faith and are very devout Christians how it is that they can believe the Bible when it says homosexuality is wrong, but not believe the Bible when it says things like  sale your daughters into slavery (Exodus 21:7). Or that I may have slaves (Lev 25:44). Or that I may not approach the alter of God if I have a defect in my sight (Lev 21:16-23).

Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27.  How should they die?

My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? -- Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

You see my point right? And don’t say it’s all how it’s interpreted because you lose that battle as well. 

Back when I was in 5th or 6th grade, I started attending the Lutheran Church of the Masters.  I loved that church. I was very involved in the youth group, in singing in front of the congregation, in helping out, and yes, I even got to play the organ during a church service.  I was a Christian.  I was baptised there and I attended all the required classes and had my First Confirmation.  The one thing I remember above all else was what the minister said to me one day.  He said, “Love thy neighbor – regardless of who your neighbor is.”

THAT is what I believe Christianity is about. Love. And since I’ve not been able to put to words exactly how I feel about supposed “Christians” and yet spout hatred toward homosexuals, I give you this video.  You can read what this guy says too. It’s here.

Please take a moment to watch this. He really does have some very valid points.

The part of his speech that really resonated with me is this:

"The greatest spiritual leaders in history have all preached love for others as the basis for all happiness, and never did they accompany such mandates with a list of unlovable actions or deeds. They never said, love everybody except for the gays. Love everybody except for the homeless. Love everybody except for the drug users. Love everybody except for the gang members, or those covered in ink, or the spouse abusers. They didn’t tell us it was okay to love everybody with the exception of the “trailer trash,” those living in poverty, or the illegal immigrants. They didn’t tell us it was okay to love everybody except for our ex-lovers, our lovers’ ex lovers, or our ex-lovers’ lovers. The mandate was pretty damn clear, wasn’t it?
Love others.



Melissa said...

I think I have a pretty good understanding, though definitely not a scholar of the bible. But Jesus changed everything. The pharisees created A LOT of laws in the talmud, and Jesus came as the lamb to put an end to that. No one is without sin, even the pharisees couldn't answer him when he answered their leading questions.

So basically although the first five books of old testament is the holy text for at least 3 religions (I can only list three in my head, might be 4), Jesus came here and slammed the extra laws created, and reminded man of what the greatest commandments are.

I don't fully understand homosexuality as much as I don't understand why I can't lose weight easily. I don't think man-man, woman-woman is *supposed* to be the right way, but I am not going to judge that person/s in their relationships. They are living their lives, I am living mine, both of us to the best of our abilities. And I still love regardless of their sexual identity (unless they are a$$h*le$ which is completely different than being gay), ending the relationship because of a sexual identity is just wrong imo. And there is no way I would ever SHUN someone because of this. (which will start me on a rant regarding Mars Hill, but that's another story I'm not going into).

I'm Christian, I'm conservative, and I don't hate gays, nor liberals, nor any various racial groups. Stereotypes are there for a reason, but it still annoys me to be lumped (not saying you did, just society assumes).

Anonymous said...

Really nice article.
I do have to say im kinda with the previous poster. Im Catholic, I enjoy my faith, I attend mass and was married in a Catholic church.
That being said, I am a scientis by education and employment. I believe that we evolved, probably from a meteor that crashed billions of years ago or from some cosmic soup made in the big bang.

I also have friends, muslim, aetheists etc and friends who are homosexual. Generally speaking I have no issue with anyones beliefs.. I hope that if people do have beliefs that they are good and kind ones that dont hurt others.

My REAL problem comes with peoples assumptions that if I am catholic, my beliefs must be the same as those of every crazy stereotype out there. I have a homosexual friend that ive known for many years. This man and I would go out socializing, hang out together and I was "Best Man" at his wedding many years ago. This did not stop him from expressing his belief to me that because I was catholic that I must have some objection to his lifestyle.

Yes..from a Catholic perspective I can see why there could be an objection to Marriage...Marriage (Traditionally) is to have children...biologically 2 males or 2 females cannot produce and carry a child. This is correct.
However, the rules written 2000+ years ago no longer apply!!
2 men cant have a baby? Now they can, Surrogacy/IVF/adoption...all practices that are totally normal and accepted these days were not the norm back then.
God created Adam and Eve and they bore all of mankind? Sure, what else will you tell uneducated fishermen and carpenters.. that we climbed out of a primordial ooze and that there is this thing called evolution? Not a chance...Tell them a story which gets the same message across, is understandable and you have your audience.
Its always highlighted that the people spouting these somewhat outdated beliefs are doing so from a religious point of view. All I ask is that everyone else do not assume that All christians have these same beliefs! Most are good, kind people who have a faith they enjoy. Take the basis of that faith. Be kind, dont steal, help and love your fellow man. Follow these and you will get there.

Anonymous said...

Really nice article.
I do have to say im kinda with the previous poster. Im Catholic, I enjoy my faith, I attend mass and was married in a Catholic church.
That being said, I am a scientis by education and employment. I believe that we evolved, probably from a meteor that crashed billions of years ago or from some cosmic soup made in the big bang.

I also have friends, muslim, aetheists etc and friends who are homosexual. Generally speaking I have no issue with anyones beliefs.. I hope that if people do have beliefs that they are good and kind ones that dont hurt others.

My REAL problem comes with peoples assumptions that if I am catholic, my beliefs must be the same as those of every crazy stereotype out there. I have a homosexual friend that ive known for many years. This man and I would go out socializing, hang out together and I was "Best Man" at his wedding many years ago. This did not stop him from expressing his belief to me that because I was catholic that I must have some objection to his lifestyle.

Yes..from a Catholic perspective I can see why there could be an objection to Marriage...Marriage (Traditionally) is to have children...biologically 2 males or 2 females cannot produce and carry a child. This is correct.
However, the rules written 2000+ years ago no longer apply!!
2 men cant have a baby? Now they can, Surrogacy/IVF/adoption...all practices that are totally normal and accepted these days were not the norm back then.
God created Adam and Eve and they bore all of mankind? Sure, what else will you tell uneducated fishermen and carpenters.. that we climbed out of a primordial ooze and that there is this thing called evolution? Not a chance...Tell them a story which gets the same message across, is understandable and you have your audience.
Its always highlighted that the people spouting these somewhat outdated beliefs are doing so from a religious point of view. All I ask is that everyone else do not assume that All christians have these same beliefs! Most are good, kind people who have a faith they enjoy. Take the basis of that faith. Be kind, dont steal, help and love your fellow man. Follow these and you will get there.