Friday, May 24, 2013

The Little Beasties

The two little beasties who have taken up residence in my house are settling right in and making themselves right at home.

I find myself laughing at their antics more than I probably should admit, but kittens are so darn cute and have such a wide-eyed, full of mischief way of going about life. I could learn a lot from those two.

Part of their "settling" is pushing the borders of my patience. They're kittens, I realize, but my word they get into things.  In an attempt to "train" them what is acceptable in the house and what isn't, I've had to resort to buying a "Kitten Rehabilitation Device".

Lucy gets it. She sees it, hears it or feels it and she's outta there.  She understands it's a bad thing and is apparently trying to not have the device used on her again.

Linus on the other hand just seems to be thrilled he's getting a bath.  I squirt him and say "No!" in a stern voice, and he looks at me, looks at his we fur and continues on with what he was doing.  This one will be tough to break.

Occasionally I catch them both doing something they aren't supposed to be and by squirting Lucy, she freaks Linus out and the end up here.

They seem to think this paper bag is going to protect them from the Kitten Rehabilitation Device (KRD).

The other things they are doing, and doing well is eating and pooping. Linus seems to be the master at clearing out a bowl of food as well as a room after he's "left" his gift.  This little green cloud follows him.  He came scrambling into the living room like a bat out of hell last night.  About 10 seconds later, the smell drifted in.

They both visited the V.E.T yesterday.  I was concerned that they might have ear mites...and they do.  The V.E.T. hooked them up with some meds and they should be fine in a week or so.  I got to see the actual mites under the was very cool - and a bit gross.

The two demons had the run of the vet office and everyone in there seemed to want to play or hold them or take them home.  I will say, by the time I got home  these two were pooped.  They sacked out for a good hour - of course they were on my lap so I couldn't do anything either.


The little demons are going to be left alone for three days. I'm pretty sure I'll pay the price when I get back from the weekend.

This weekend we will be scattering Dad's ashes over in Odessa. On the one hand I'm looking forward to seeing some family I've not seen for a while. On the other, I'm sad to say goodbye to dad again.


Lesley said...

Awww, the beasties are adorable! It makes me want a kitten fix -- I should hop on a plane to Seattle. :)

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you say goodbye to your Dad once more.