Monday, March 12, 2007

Do you remember Captain Kangaroo?

So stick with me on this one? You're about to embark on a trip through my mind. Scary as it may be. Hang on!

I thought Captain Kangaroo wore green overalls. And for some reason I want to call him Mr. Green Jeans, but then I realized Mr. Green Jeans was a character on the show (For the record, he is one scary looking person).

Why am I thinking about green jeans? Well, because I'm about to buy plants. And during the plant shopping extravaganza all I could think about was Mr. Green Jeans, and Captain Kangaroo.

See the connection?

Yah, whatever.

Anyhow, anyone who knows me, knows I am not a gardener. Never have been. Never wanted to be. Never interested. Now, suddenly, I have this hankering to buy plants to put outside on my deck. I have a nice little patch of dirt that is just screaming for plant life...aside from the weeds that are currently growing there.

Now, without any really provocation, I can't stop thinking about putting plants out there. I was shopping for office plants today (don't ask) and spent a good part of time, learning about other plants that might fit well in my little green patch. And I priced out bark to put around them to make it look pretty.

I hate yard work. Hate it. And now, in my advancing age, I apparently wouldn't mind doing a little gardening. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?

If someone finds my mind, would you please return it?


Al & Jo said...

You are scaring me! Are you still on those cold Meds????? You and plants and gardening don't fit in the same sentence...matter of fact, in the same world!

Lesley said...

Plants sound nice. Maybe it's some kind of spring fever?

btw, is it just me or is Captain Kangaroo lookin' foxy in that picture? I'm just saying.

Hearing about him makes me think of that song "Counting Flowers on the Wall" because it has that line "smokin' cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo...".

And that song makes me think of "Pulp Fiction" because it's in that movie.

Which makes me think of all sorts of crazy things.

But none of them are gardening.

Nicki said...

I'm with Lesley - it's spring fever. I was driving back from lunch with the window down, thinking about wanting to cut grass, which I don't have to do anymore. then I remembered the sweat and changed my mind.

If you're looking for flowers that grow fast, last long, and don't require much work, might I suggest zinnias. I can't grow shit, but I can grow those.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a trip to Flower World in Maltby will cure yer hankerin.