Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I blame the cold medicine

Yes, kids I'm still sick. I hate it. I hate not being able to do things. And I hate being completely tied to the end of a Kleenex. BTW, you should buy stock in Kleenex considering my current situation.

And what is my current stats:

(you know you want to know)

2 bag of Halls Defense Vitamin C cough drops - they're da bomb
15 calories per drop and about 30 drops per bag...you do the math. But since I'm not eating anything I figured all calories through cough drops and cough syrup are fine.

2 boxes Kleenex - working on the third.

2 quarts miso soup

lost count of the amount of water and ice tea I've had.

Approximately 80 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours.

1 bottle of NyQuil - working on my second. They were small bottles so relax

And lastly, one hot totty. I had to. I remember way back when, my dad made me one when I was sick. Totally knocked me out and I slept for hours. Woke up feeling 10X better.

15 - the number of cold remedies people have recommended to me. (one being eating a whole clove of raw garlic - which I may just have to do.)

Finally, I'm siding with the Patron Saint on this one, it amazes me just how much snot a body can make. Easily 20 lbs of snot. Easily.

I am, finally, at work today, for at least a few hours. If I don't work I don't get paid...and if I don't get paid, then I don't eat...which I guess isn't a bad thing.


Lesley said...

Okay, I don't mean to recommend yet another cold remedy, but I've kind of become a professional sinus victim the past year so I do have some advice to give.

They took the decongestant out of Nyquil. So if you are congested, it's not going to help. I guess Nyquil had pseudoephedrine in it and everything with pseudoephedrine in it had to go behind the counter to deter the meth heads. I'm just saying.

I heartily recommend getting some good ol' Sudafed. Not the new stuff, the one with the pseudoephedrine in it that you have to sign for and show your driver's license to get. I buy the generic 12 hour version and it works just fine.

Oh and hell's yeah to the hot toddy. I may have to mix one up after work myself!

Hope you feel better soon!

Nicki said...

I don't have a remedy. I just suffer. I suck. I'm sorry you're sick. If I was there, I'd make you a hot-toddy, even though I have no idea what it is. Sounds like a guy named Todd who's hot. Which might make you feel better.