Sunday, April 05, 2009

Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

Oh good Lord. It's a beautiful day here in the NW. The sun is out, slight breeze in the air, the temp is at about's beautiful. Its Spring. And by spring I mean thousands of teeny tiny, itsy bitsy pieces of pollen that have found their way up my nose and pushing my eye balls out of my ears every time I sneeze. And sneezing is what I've done today. I lost count at 23. My nose is getting raw, my eyes are red and watering, and my kleenex box has become my best friend. Time for a trip to the drug store for allergy medicine.

This weekend was a Twilight weekend. Blueberry and Chicken Lady stopped by last night to have homemade Chicken Pot Pie and a viewing of Twilight. I'm still not as big of a fan for the movie as I was for the book. Still it was entertaining. We drank wine, we ate appetizers, pot pie, and chocolate and we debated vampires. Good time.

Achoo! Sorry, I don't have much more...need to go blow the schnauz and curse the best time of year in Seattle.


Al & Jo said...

Hmmmm---that explosion I just heard must have been you sneezing. Bless you!