Thursday, April 16, 2009

On my signal, unleash hell...

Deep breath.

Hold it.

Slowly release it.

This has been what I've been doing for the past three days. Stress has been my partner in crime. It's had hold on my life and was refusing to let go no matter what I did.

I can't release too many details about the stress maker, but can tell you that I had to go interview at a large software company in Redmond for a large project we are in the running for. They wanted to check my project management skillz! And them skillz are mad, let me tell you.

I found out about this interview last Friday and waited, somewhat impatiently for the official time. We got that time on Tuesday and then he hounds of hell were unleashed. It felt like a combination of studying for my PMP again, packing to move and interviewing for a new job all at the same time. I knew the win/lose of this wasn't on my shoulders, but I sure couldn't get it out of my head that if we lost it, I could be responsible.

I'm very confident when it comes to my PMing. I've learned a lot, and have a lot more to learn. This interview went well IMHO. It could go either way, but I felt good when it was over today.

In other news, I'm going to the Roller Derby this weekend. Blueberry turns a whopping forty-one and we're celebrating by going to the Rat City Roller Derby. WhoA! Last year during one of our walks we passed a roller derby bout underway. We stopped momentarily to watch and we decided that it would be a blast to go. And so here we are going for Blueberry's birthday. It's unlikely I'll bring my big camera. They're asking to sign a release form that I'm not sure is worth it. But never fear...there will be photos...oh yes...there will be photos.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tall dark bottle glass of wine with my name on it.


Anonymous said...

you can bring a regular digital camera. you only need a signed release if your camera is of 'professional grade' i.e. has a fancy detachable lense. enjoy! root for DLF!

Jenn from WA said...

Anonymous - Thanks - I have the doc, but wasn't sure it would be worth it...but it just may be. I'm going to the one on the 30th if tomorrow's turns out bad...I can have an "overs".