Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holy Mercury Batman!

You know I try not to whine, I do really try. But Good LORD it's freaking hot here. It hit 97 today and humid too. I'm fine with the dry heat, but the humidity...ick. There's nothing like walking out the door and you're breath is taken away by the heat. Tomorrow, they are saying it'll be 104F . Um, that's ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR DEGREES!!!

If we were to back up approximately 25 years ago I was living in the desert. The summers there used to get bloody hot. I loved it! Loved the heat. But "it's a dry heat". We used to hold band camp all day long in 100 degree weather and we never complained.

Now, I wouldn't last 30 minutes in band camp in this weather. I'm a big wuss!

I do, however, THANK GOD, for AC. Not only at work, but at home. I've never lived anywhere in Seattle that's had AC. There generally isn't any need. But I am so glad I have it now. Although the upstairs is my own personal hell. It's 85 up there and 75 down stairs...amazing. Heat does rise, I'll be darn.

In other news, I doused the cat. You can imagine he wasn't too happy with me at the time, but he seemed appreciative after.