Friday, July 17, 2009

In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone to far Oh-a-aho oh, Oh-a-aho oh Video killed the radio star.

What a glorious Friday! There aren't enough of them to go around I don't think. Next Friday is likely to be as glorious too cuz, I got the day off. Uh huh, that's right. It's a meeting free day and I'm taking full advantage of it. I did offer to "check" my email and I was told by the PMGodess in no uncertain terms was I to check any sort of email...and if she catches me she's going to fly over here and (and I quote) "sort me out". That sounds like no fun, so I'll pass on that action.

I barely stepped into the office today (4.5 hours of work is barely these days) and I might add only had to reboot 3 times ...all time record I think. Don't be jealous! Then it was time to make like a tree and salir** and head on into Seattle to watch my favorite band play free in the park.
**Side note: in case you don't speak Spanish. Salir means "to leave". I could never remember that stinkin verb in Spanish class, until one day one of my brilliant teachers said, "Make like a tree and salir". To this day I can remember that verb. Just like "You should, you ought to, you owe it to yourself, to stay away from deber" all those things mean deber. Huh, it's official. I'm a freak.

Moving on...right...Dudley...

Did I mention it was sunny today? Yah, I got a little burnt sitting out there singing my heart out. Not too bad, but bad enough for it to be a bit itchy now.

Anyhow, Blueberry came down from work, PhotoGirl and the Yank wondered into Seattle too and the 4 of us enjoyed downtown Seattle during the day. And oh what a treat it was.

I'm sure downtown Seattle is no different from many downtown areas in that some areas tend to attract the crazies. Occidental Park is one of those places.

I got down there a bit before they started and managed to find a nice little seat in the sun. Blueberry showed up shortly after and was promptly asked to dance by some random crazy, we'll call him DancingKing. Bless his heart though, he asked any and every woman (except something must be wrong with me - that's not an invite to know who you are...) and only a few told him no, Blueberry being one of them. He came back for more though and asked 3 more times. And three times he was rejected by Blue. Finally made the mistake of standing up to leave. In the process she must have jiggled her hips a bit, because DancingKing was hot on her tail (oh...heheh...didn't mean it that way). She politely told him no thanks and continued about her way. He just stood there a bit dejected and said, "oh well I guess we'll just dance here then." And began to shake his money maker "dancing" with Blue. I, being the good friend that I am, didn't interrupt at all and just let them be. Only later did I find out by the stern look of "you could have saved me" from Blue did I understand what a "BFF" was supposed to her from the crazies. But secretly it was WAY more fun to watch her suffer.

Along with our DancingKing, we had a DancingQueen, she was, well, different. She shook her groove thing, but I gotta tell ya, she was shaking it to a different drummer.

And then there was Blueberry's boyfriend, Mr. Colorful. I spotted him and immediately pointed him out to Blueberry announcing that her boyfriend had arrived and oh look, he's wearing that skirt you gave him. (Note: it was in fact a skirt and could not be confused with a kilt.) Anyhow, he too had his own drummer, but thankfully I got him on tape with my fave band doing one of my fave songs - only problem is it's a gynormous file and I can't upload it... so sorry...I'll share a photo instead of Blueberry's BF.