Thursday, July 09, 2009


You hear that? Its my life passing me by. I am increasingly amazed at how quickly time flies, especially when one doesn't have enough time in one's day. It seems unfair to me. In the prime of my life when I should be enjoying things, time isn't allowing me to even stop and smell the roses.

So don't feel neglected. It's not you, it's me.

Yesterday my stress level came to a head. Aside from working 12 hour days almost consistently for the last 2 weeks, watching the Poodles, having to drive to Lynnwood every other night to watch Blueberry's demon cats, AND trying to keep some semblance of sanity...I lost it. Everything just seemed to be one thing too much yesterday. But alas, a glass of wine and a bowl of ice cream later I felt a bit better.

I'd love to tell you something exciting that's been happening, but well, there isn't. I could tell you about the several items in my Inbox that are going unanswered because I'm in meetings all day and can't even get to those items. But that's boring.

On a much brighter note, I hope, one of the UK Blokes is in town and needs a tour guide this weekend. So I've been tasked with finding something musically inclined to do on Saturday night AND then on Sunday we're riding the Ducks. Yah, I can't believe it either. But it is one of the things on my list to do, AND it'll count as one of my 40 new things this year. So there.


Lesley said...

Don't get too stressed! Sounds like the ice cream and wine were well-deserved!

Oh and I do plan to make it out to Seattle in the not-too-distant future, and then you will have to ride the Ducks with me, okay? Pretty please? :-)

Anonymous said... is good! Ice cream is good! But you'll have to excuse me for passing on the wine AND ice cream combo! xoxo (Although my Mom used to serve vanilla ice cream with creme de menthe drizzled over the top for her St. Pattys Day Tuesday afternoon bridge club of teatotalers and they all just loved it!)