Friday, July 03, 2009

Old Glory Day

A day off. Finally. Sorta. I did do a bit of work this morning, but only a little. I'm getting very tired of the 10+ hour days, but I keep telling myself it's temporary and that in the end I'll be rewarded with a job well done and God willing more $$.

Today I wanted to sleep in but seeing as I'm watching the Oodles of Poodles they wanted to go out at/about 7am. They're like children. They pester you until you give in. So I got up, started the coffee, fed the cat who's nose is slight out of joint, and took the boys for a quick walk.

On the one hand, I'm walking again, though not overly far. On the other hand I really could have used another hour or so of sleep. But whatever.

Before the day got too hot, the Poodles and I went to the Doggy Park. I opted to go to the smaller of the one in our area since the bigger one tends to get bombarded with people on sunny, hot, holiday type days. And it stinks a lot. A lot! So the boys and I hung out for about 30 minutes in a small doggy park and made a few new friends by sniffing butts. The dogs, not me!

Afterwards, we came home and crashed. It got hot fast outside and the fur covered types don't do too well. Though they should they live in Arizona 9 months out of the year. Still, they were tired. They slept and I scrapbooked. I finished up the pages I did last week at the Scrap for the Cure, organized the desk a bit and spilt my diet coke. All in all a very successful day.

Tonight I BBQ'd a flat iron steak in a marinade. As it was on the grill I noticed a small fire on the underlining catcher. The place all the grease and crumbs collect. Well, Dad was here last week and grilled ribs. Love dad's ribs, but mad he can sure make a mess. So I tore about the grill and scrubbed it down. RunningMan would be so proud since he was the former owner of said grill.

So, the grills cleaned. Dogs fed. Cat fed. Dogs pooped/pee'd. Dinner done. Dessert (fresh berries) done. It's time to get back to scrapping a bit. I have the fan blowing with a gale force wind upstairs here as it's quite toasty.

Tomorrow VolleyballMan and the Dane are coming to dinner. We'll just be hanging out here doing nothing overly exciting other than trying to stay cool. Making Saudi Coolers for a treat tomorrow night. I haven't made them in forever and they sound so refreshing and so perfect for the 4th. (Saudi Coolers = Apple juice, orange juice, grenadine, rum or vodka - yum!)

Be safe!


Anonymous said... that one of your shots? Beautiful!! xoxo (I want a Saudi Cooler!)

Jenn from WA said...

No, I wish it were one of my shots....but alas...I suck at fireworks when photography comes into play.