Sunday, August 02, 2009

Reunited...and it feels so good...

...Peaches and Herb...1970's of their more successful songs was Reunited. It's stuck in my head. I know you're wondering how on earth this song got into my head. Well, it's simple really. Let me tell you the story.

It all started yesterday when I decided I wanted hamburgers for dinner. I called Blueberry and then I called HikerGirl to invite them over. Both of them were busy, but we planned to do burgers on Sunday instead.

HikerGirl called me on Sunday to see if there was anything I needed from a fruit stand. I mentioned peaches. (no, that's not what got the song stuck in my head...but close).

HikerGirl made it for dinner and brought dessert. Ice cream. She's evil that one. But she didn't just bring ice cream, she's found my soul mate.


I'm a chocolate fanatic - I come by it naturally in case you've never met the MomUnit - in that, dessert should only be of the chocolate persuasion. Ice cream in particular should only be chocolate or have a very solid chocolate element to it. I may have been converted tonight and found a new religion.

This ice cream was absolutely delicious. And by "absolutely delicious" I mean it was OH MY GOD SOOOO GOOD. You really have to try it. HikerGirl may be my new favorite person (or enemy depending on how you look at it ) for introducing me to this luxury.

Right, so anyhow, because of the Peaches and Cream aspect of the ice cream, I started singing Reunited...and that is how it got stuck in my noggin.

BTW - my cousin Ted believes, and I have to say I agree with him 100%, that Stuck Song Syndrome is an affliction people of high intelligence suffers from. It must be true, I mean he and I both have it.

In other none ice cream related news, the heat wave in Seattle is coming to an end. Thank God. I found myself today homesick for the rain. And wishing it would just rain... a little. I'm sick. I know.


Al & Jo said...

Stop it! Right Now! I have had that same song stuck in my noggin' for two days. Fear!...Thunder! As for the Peach Cobbler ice cream...sounds wonderful and I have had a craving for peach ice cream...none to be found on this ^&*^& ship.