Monday, August 31, 2009

Come on Baby Light My Fire...

There are few things in life that scare me. Bees are one, and fire is the other. My sister and her husband just lived through a fire storm like no other in So. California. Stupid BrotherInLaw is a fireman so while I understand his thought on his ability to protect their house, I would have much preferred if they would have vacated the area. ESPECIALLY after seeing her photos.

These are chronological from them seeing it just over a ridge to it being at their place, and then what it left in it's wake. They were lucky. Other people in their neighborhood were not so lucky. My heart goes out to all those who weren't so fortunate, and I'm so very thankful for the talented men and women who were out there fighting the fire...

Note to Stupid BrotherINLaw...I may have to beat you senseless next time I see you. = )