Monday, January 11, 2010

Ahoy Matey!

We'll we're at sea and I'm trying very hard not to be bored. Thankfully the whole fam damily is here to entertain me...and entertain me is what they do. The ship is rockin a bit today, which makes walking interesting. I feel like a drunk sailor most the time...and I'm not, I swear.

Yesterday I got to experience getting dad checked in. He's a handful when you're used to only being concerned with yourself. But we made it. We sat and waited for mom and the rest. In the meantime I had my first bucket of beer. Okay, I didn't have the whole bucket myself...sheesh...what do you think I am, a lush? Wait, don't answer that.

We did our lifeboat drill. Which, as it turns out, the later you are to the drill, the closer to the front of the single file lines they put you in you are. Which puts you first on the life boat. So the morale of the story is in the event of an actual emergency, take you time and be late. You'll get in the boat first. The whole women and children first thing is, apparently, a crock.

After that we scattered to the five winds. Some went exploring, others, went back to the rooms. I decided to head back to our sardine can (aka our room) and unpack. I'll try to get a photo of this so called "sleeps 3 comfortably" room. It would, if it were three midgets. I'm just sayin'.
I was up early this morning hoping to catch the sunrise...I was about 30 minutes too late. Caught a glimpse of the elusive sun through the clouds instead. It's warming up though. Tonight standing on the deck, I barely shivered. God it better get warmer.

Tomorrow starts the excursions. I'm off to a Mayan ruin. Which you'll hear a lot of this trip. I can't help myself. I love the history of the ruins.

I'm off to la la land. The boats been rocking a lot today and am hoping it'll rock me to sleep.