Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Walking the Vieux Carre

Today we woke to overcast and fog. Which in any normal circumstance I'd be sad and/or depressed. Yet being that I'm on vacation, I really don't care what the weather does....I'm not at work and that's what counts!

Because the fog was realatively thick I thought it would be fun to walk the French Quarter (Vieux Carre) and see what shots would emerge with the fog. I got lucky a couple of times.
Today was also my "shopping day" and so I planned on buying a few gifts for folks back home and a few gifts for myself. The MomUnit, Suzie/Jack and I headed off to have our morning beignets ( a habit I'm going to have to stop here soon). After which we walked through some of the shops, picking up trinkets and putting them back down. Looking for that one special thing for the folks on our lists. Then Suzie picked up this book that was a Walking Tour of the French Quarter. It outlined ALL of the historical places - well 48 of them - gave addresses, and an explanation as to their significance. And so we sallied forth...

Many of the places I had already photographed, but had no idea what I was taking pictures of. We walked on, marking off each historic building we saw - looked for plaques on the buildings, read about the houses and buildings and generally had a grand old time.

We walked back to have lunch with the rest of them. Mufalatta for lunch. It was the last of the food items on my list to taste. If you've not had a Mufalatta, you really should try them. A traditional muffuletta consists of one muffuletta loaf, split horizontally. Then they have an olive salad/spread on it, capicola, cheese, salami, mortadella, and provolone. Although in my research I discovered the meats and cheeses can vary. I need to find a deli in Seattle/Redmond that has this kind of sammi. The traditional ones, I hear, are generally made on a large round loaf of bread and can feed 4 people easily. Ours fed all 5 of us and we had a sliver left over. Breakfast tomorrow.

After lunch, Suzie, the MomUnit and I headed out to finish the second half of our walking tour. The sun was high in the sky and shining like crazy. It was warm, no jackets required. And we were off.

We managed to walk about 7 blocks and walked through the cathedral again. Once outside we started looking for one of the numbers on the tour - and couldn't find it. Then a few rain drops. No matter, it's just small drops. One or two, nothing serious. By the end of the block we were in a torrential downpour and were getting soaked. We ran for cover. Mom into one door opening and Suzie and I in another down the street. We thought we'd wait it out. After about 3 minutes my cell phone rings, it's Mom. "Where are you?" she says. I explain we're just down and ask "Where are you?"

"Down here" she says.

"Stick your head out." I say

I look down the street and see this hand waving out a door way.

"I found the arsenal" she says - which is what we were looking for - and I got the giggles. Suzie and I made a run for it and ended up in a small doorway with the MomUnit and a plaque that says "The Arsenal".

After that little episode we jetted into a souvenir shop to buy some rain ponchos. Naturally once we purchased them the rain stopped.

We continued on our little walk about.

Last day of vacation - sadly. I can say though that I've been able to see and do a lot and somehow managed to stay within my budget too. Woohoo! I'll be glad to get home. As you always are: glad to leave, but glad to get home. Not so thrilled about going back to work, but gotta earn more peanuts to go on vacation again.