Monday, February 01, 2010

I'm sooo psychic....

No, seriously I am. And I knew you were going to say, "You so aren't." But I am. Want me to prove it? Fine.

1. I knew I wasn't going to win the lottery and I'd have to go back to work after lunch.

2. I knew that I'd have a muffaletta in my future. I'm having them at my spontaneous Superbowl party.

3. I knew I'd hate the Grammy's last night.

4. I knew I'd drink way too many cups of coffee today.

5. I knew I'd get a song stuck in my head...just didn't think it'd be this song. Ugh.

6. And I knew you'd be questioning my sexuality now that I shared which song I had in my head...and I knew I'd have to defend the fact I'm sooo still into guys.

In other non psychic news, I'm going to the Billy Joel and Elton John concert on Wednesday. yay me. Turns out HikerGirl and Marathon Bob had tickets for last years concert, which was cancelled due to Elton being sick. Now that the two of them moved to BFE (aka Montana) they can't make it back for the concert. So Blueberry and I get to go. Sadly, it was supposed to be a "set up" for Blueberry, but it works out he can't go and so I'm the second choice. Huh! And with that I leave you with this...perhaps the WORST Elton John song of the 80's...this goes out to Queen Geek.


Lesley said...

I hope you have a good time at the concert! I saw them this summer, and honestly it felt more like an Elton John concert with just a wee bit of Billy Joel thrown in, but I was cool with that because Billy can't sing so good anymore, and I love me up some Elton. He still knows how to bring it.

But how can you not like Nikita? I thought it was his first openly gay song, until I saw the video and they were pretending that Nikita was a chick.

Wow, this blogpost has some serious gender-bending in it!