Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Great Mustang Convertible Purchase of 2011

Its happening.

Can you feel it?

The air is all a buzz with electricity of the pending purchase.

I have all my little ducks all in a row, ready to play the game with an unsuspecting dealership. Well, okay, they're expecting me, and they've sold me the last two Mustangs, so they may know my drill. 

Let's assume I've already done all my research and know exactly how much I want to spend, and how much they will give me for my car. Because I'm nothing if not an avid researcher when it comes to cars and their worth.

Step 1
Apply for auto loan - hold breath to see if you get it and a good rate.

See in 2006 when I bought the current baby my credit wasn't nearly as good as it is now. I've worked very hard to get it up to a good score.  I hadn't requested any loans since then so I wasn't really sure what I'd get.  Turns out my credit score is WAY better than I thought and I got a killer interest rate. 

Step 2
Pick up loan papers - shamelessly flirt with 20 something loan officer.

What? He was cute.

Step 3
Meet with dealership sales guy and wow him with my research.

Step 4
Get them to agree to what they'll pay me for my car. Shake on it.
I usually come prepared with what Kelley Blue Book says my car is worth for its excellent condition.  They'll try to low-ball me with a price they think they can get at auction. Which, frankly, I don't care about. I know what the car's worth and they can give me that, or slightly less. I'll ask high and work my way down. It's part of the fun and games.

Once that's decided on, I'll let them in on what I still owe on it and use the rest as a down payment.


On to Step 5

Step 5
Get them to agree to what I'll pay them for their car. Shake on it.
This is the tricky part to me. I come prepared with the invoice price and the MSRP price. I'm willing to let them make $$ on the deal, but not THAT much $$.  They don't much like a well informed woman. They'd prefer you come in without a clue so they can stick it to you.  But I'm not that kind of woman. Its my hard earned $$ and they have to work at getting it from me.

Thankfully, as I've said, I'm familiar with this dealership and so am comfortable with them.  It should be just fine.

Step 6
Decide on a color.

Oy vei but this is the hard part. I'm taking an informal poll of color options. 

Kona Blue

Red Candy (and my current Stang color)

Yellow Blaze (because it's a sports car and I think yellow is AWESOME on sports cars)

I have my preference. What is yours?  And remember I'll have the personalized plate of DULCNEA so think about what that'll work with.  What does it mean? Oh, well it's Don Quixote's girl friend, Dulcinea.  He thinks she's a princess, when really she's a bar tramp.  No comment on which I am. It has also been told to me it means SWEETNESS in Spanish...so well, that fits me perfectly!

Discuss amongst yourselves!


Lesley said...

I vote for Kona Blue, but they are all very cute! Love it!!!