Saturday, June 09, 2012

Incredible Shrinking Woman

Its been quite a week. Thank you everyone for your wonderful words, thoughts, and prayers.  Dad's holding on.  The BiggestBro is with them through Sunday - so Dad's happy.

Today's weigh in made it an even more overwhelming week.  It's been a while since I've written about the journey I'm on so I figured I'd do a quick update.

Today I lost 2 more lbs.  WOOT!  Completely unexpected! I can't remember how long its been since I've lost 2 lbs in one week.  I've done it after not weighing in for two weeks, but not 2 lbs in one week. 

Last week was a very emotional week for me with Dad failing.  My typical way of dealing with emotional situations is to eat.  Pizza, chips, carbs, anything I can get into my mouth that will help with the pain.  This week, I paid very close attention to my thoughts about food. I found myself in the kitchen staring longingly into the pantry wanting something to snack on, anything to put in my mouth that would temporarily ease the heartache.

When I found myself looking into the pantry or fridge, I would continually ask myself if I was, in fact, hungry or was I trying to fill the hole.  I knew the answer and walked away. Thankfully there isn't any bad food in the house to tempt me - that's the biggest trick ever - if it's  not in the house, then you won't eat it. 

I also found that exercising helped keep me occupied so I wasn't sitting and feeling sad and thus wanting to eat.  Whodathunk that me, Jenn Wraspir, would go to the gym, willingly, instead of eating?  Crazy the way the new way of thinking is working. 

The gym and I have become friends.  Even days I just don't want to go, it calls me and tells me to get my fat a** there. 

I recently upped my workout too. I started doing about 10 minutes more, and interval training on the elliptical.  My goal is to burn 500 calories every time I'm at the gym. If I finish my 30 minutes and I've not met 500 calories, I stay on.  Since I know 3500 calories equals a pound, I can get 2500 calories working out, and the other 1000 is by my lower caloric intake.  Apparently it's working.

I added a supplement to my diet to. I added it a couple of week's ago and am now wondering if it is working.  It's Green Coffee Bean extract.  According to what I've read it helps boost your metabolism and helps push any fat you eat through your system and doesn't allow it to stick around and find a happy home.  I doubt it's solely the reason, but it may be working.

Next week is a measuring week.  I can really see a different around my mid-section which is where I carry a lot of the weight. Its been where I've lost the most inches.

The MomUnit did the math today and told me if I continue to lose 2 lbs a week I will have lost 104lbs this year.  I doubt I'll keep up the 2 lbs a week. I think this may have been an anomaly. But we shall see. My goal is 50 lbs this year. I think I'm on track and may need to pick up the pace a bit.