Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Where were you 25 years ago?

The Canadian Cookie Fairy and I getting ready for the Boat Dance in 1987

Even as I type it I can’t even believe 25 years has gone by. I blinked and its gone.  Whatever will the next 25 be.
Roommate Rachel and I all dressed up.

June 5th, 1987 was a sunny day. The grounds of TASIS never looked better. Was it because they dressed them up for us graduates? Or was it because I was suddenly going to miss them?  Either way, the sun was out and I was standing at a major junction of my life.  

A plethora of emotions washed through me as we got ready for the ceremony.

Thrilled because I was graduating.  My grades weren’t the top of the class, but they were okay.

Scared at what my future was going to be. What next?

Sad to be leaving my many TASIS friends behind.  We all lived all over the world. Would I see them again? (Remember this was WELL before the Internet and Facebook) Would they remember me?

Nervous to be walking with our class.  Would I trip going up the stairs?  Would I fall on my face after receiving my diploma?

Anxious to get going.  Get the ceremony over with. All the while hoping it went slowly so I can take it in and remember.

But most of all, I was hopeful.  My future was in front of me. I wouldn’t know it at the time, but my life would not turn out as I had naively planned. We thought we knew everything on that day. Yet we now realize we knew very little. We thought we had seen and done it all with living abroad and going to a boarding school. Yet we had done and seen so little. We thought we’d be someone special and save the world. Yet we barely knew who we were.

Dad, me and Mom - I think mom was more proud of the diploma than I was.

Ah…the good old days.  Sometimes I miss them so much my gut aches to go back. Then I remember it was the 80’s and high school really wasn’t ALL that I remember. Classes, schedules, teachers, labs, laundry, dining, study hall, more study hall, more classes, drama beyond belief, more laundry. 

So here’s a toast to the Class of 1987!  We were something then, and we are truly something now!