Monday, February 17, 2014

February Sunday Dinner...and a few other things

This month Sunday Dinner was hosted by the Braspirs.  You may know Mrs. Braspir by her other code name of Queen PopUp.  After much deliberation - and a vote between the kittens and me - I've determined that Queen PopUp will henceforth be known as Mrs. Braspir.  They are, after all, family - sorta. In fact, I ran into someone who knew Mrs. Braspir's daughter-in-law and without skipping a beat I told the person she was my niece. So you, see, I've said it, therefore it is.

Moving on ...

Sunday dinner was out in BFE...also known as Carnation.  And those of you not from around here, yes it's THE Carnation where Carnation Dairy once (and still may) exist. It has absolutely nothing to do with the flower though. I don't think.

Anyhow, back to BFE. It's a beautiful drive out there and such a lovely place to visit. I'm not country folk and so wouldn't really like to live out there - unless the price was right.  Still, the Braspir's have a beautiful home that always makes me feel so welcomed. 

We ate 7 layer dip (and by "we" I think I mean me and Mrs. Landlord - cuz I swear I ate almost the whole platter of it), fudge, brie/crackers...and wine. That was just the starters. Oh the wine.

So remember, maybe you don't, but recently I purchased 10 bottles of wine within 2 days because all my favorite wines went on sale, and well, you can't NOT purchase your favorite wines when they go on sale, right? 4 of the bottle's were, actually, not a "favorite" wine in as much as wine's I thought would be my favorite if I had a chance to try them. So they went on sale at Cost Plus and I purchased them. ONE of those bottles, we drank last night. After two sips I debated hiding the bottle and not letting anyone else have any. Mr. Braspir poured himself a glass and I almost whimpered when I realized it was almost the end of the bottle.  I did take a photo of the bottle, and will be driving my butt to Cost Plus sometime this week and purchasing another bottle, or 2, or 3.

After I gorged myself on appetizer, we were served Baked Ziti, salad, and garlic bread that may or may not have gotten slightly burnt. No fire alarms went off, but those of us not in the kitchen helping smelled burnt toast and heard a suspicious scraping sound going on in the other room. It still tasted spectacular and it didn't stop me from having two pieces.

Dessert was a layered cake that was white cake layered with raspberry jam and topped with frosting. good. I may have to request that again.

By the end of the evening I was stuffed, as usual, and I didn't have to do dishes. It was, for me, a win win.

The Pantry Goat thought it'd be a great idea to reverse the photo from below. I cropped out my fat butt...

In other none Sunday dinner related news, the job search continues. I had another interview today and three "outstanding" interviews - meaning the recruiters have my resume in front of people who want to bring me in for an interview, but we just need to nail down availability. Ugh.