Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Great Job Search - round 1

And so its began. I've started down that ever so unknown, and ever so exciting path of finding a new job. Fortunately, I have the luxury of looking for a job while I still have a job...just barely though.

I have submitted my resume, in the last week, to 35 different companies. These include contract companies too. Something HAS to come out of this. I'm not being overly particular just yet about what I want to do, for how much, or where. That will come as job descriptions are laid in front of me to review. Too bad I can't just tell the recruiters that they should look no further. The one they have been searching all their lives for is finally available and on the market.

In submitting my resume, and doing a few information interviews, I find myself up against a question. What type of Project Management do I want to do? Now, project management as a whole can be taken into any industry. The fundamental processes are utilized across the board. Yet I find myself precariously situated with "what" type of project management. My resume is cluttered with experience from customer care, to building websites, to international liaisoning. I think I will have to so some soul searching this weekend to see if I can uncover what exactly it is that interests me. Got any ideas? Too bad boys didn't need to be project managed...or do they?

My focus over all for this Great Job Search is to ultimately find a I'm kidding...I really want to work at Boeing. Since my entire family works there or has worked there, I think I should automatically be hired.


Nicki said...

I think Boeing should hire you, too.

Let's start a petition.

Al & Jo said...

I still don't understand why you want to work at Boeing. GOod grief, did I teach you nothing??? Seriously, Boeing would be a good fit for you....and you could join the your brothers for lunch once in a while! Think about it!