Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hooked on a Feeling...

So maybe not hooked on a feeling but hooked on a book.

Fellow blogger, Patron Saint of Smart Mouths, recommended a website called DailyLit. It, effectively, allows you to get daily blurbs of books. Mostly the classics. So, since she recommended it just about a week ago, I've been hooked on Anna Karenina. Hooked I tell you. I can't pronounce half the words in it (because they're Russian names), but I just slur over them.

I should also admit that since you can get three daily book deliveries a day, I'm also getting Utopia and Don Quixote. insert sheepish grin

In other news, I had a fantastic phone interview yesterday for a job I'm very excited and enthusiastic about. It's a PM job that sounds to be just up my cross your fingers.

Oh and I heard, finally, from the crush. But still nothing to really report.