We took off from Golden Gardens park which is on Puget Sound. It's a beautiful park that looks out over the water to the Olympic mountains. We stretched a bit, map in hand and we were off.
On the other side of the locks, we entered Discovery Park. In all my years in Seattle I've never been to the famous Discovery Park. I had no idea it was so huge. We were in Discovery Park for the majority of the walk. We wondered up this monstrous hill to get into the park. I thought I was going to die. But I kept my head down and kept putting one foot in front of the other. Miraculously I hit the top. Funny that. While I cursed my way up the hill, it's such a feeling of satisfaction when one reaches the top.
Once in the park we walked past this group of people doing some serious training. As we walked by one of the girls in the group yelled, "Way to go 3 Day Walkers!" which got the whole group cheering. I love that! I love it when we go out and people honk, hoot, or say way to go. Makes me realize or more appropriately remind myself why I'm doing this crazy walking thing.
At the end of the meadow, we zigged when we should have zagged and took a slight detour. BigBro had done a training walk there last year and was a little fuzzy on the path. No big. My 5 hour Energy / Aleve cocktail was kicking in, I was good to go.
Yes, I took the 5 hour Energy again. Though this time I put the 3 ounces of "berry -butt flavor" in my water. Hoping the slower consumption would not hit me as hard as the straight shooting did. And it didn't. I felt good the entire time. The hills still killed me. Though they did allow my inner mountain goat to express itself.
Anyhow, BigBro got us back on track by asking people where we were and how could we get to X on the map. The path found us in a fun little hiking trail down to the water. I was ever so thankful we were going down this path instead of up.
The trail popped us out at a lighthouse that we stopped, took a stretch break/water break and checked the map. BigBro announces that now we get to the "hill". The hill that has been known to kill people - okay that's my drama, but my god this hill was ... well it was steep. I'm not sure how long the climb was, maybe a quarter of a mile or so. All I know is I had to stop twice to stretch out a calf that was YELLING at me and cramping....and, let's not lie, to catch my breath. I thought I was going to hyperventilate. But again, one foot in front of the other I made it to the top. While cursing the entire time up these hills, hitting the top is truly a magnificent feeling. Such accomplishment.
NeicyPoo joined us this trip too. I had to take a photo op with her since they're few and far between. so while we were stretching and watering up I snapped a quick little photo.
We wondered our way around again, not 100% sure where we going. We had the map, but it wasn't necessarily helping us. But we made it our way down the hill and back to the Locks.
Blueberry and I decided a potty break as in need. As I entered I said to Blue "I want a hot dog." Blueberry concurred and I knew a hot dog was going to be in our future. It just sounds soooo good. It might have been the sudden salt craving, but man...meat on a stick really got me to keep walking. So outside the potty we mentioned to BigBro how tasty a hot dog would be. He casually mentions that 7-11 outside the locks sells them. Well, then let's go!
Off we went to 7-11. Hot Dogs! Hot Dogs! Hot Dogs! Thankfully 7-11 did not disappoint. Three hot dogs later we were on our way. Oh man that dog hit the spot.
At the end of the walk, Blueberrie's pedometer read 13.2 miles. BigBro thinks we only went about 11. Blue swears she calibrated her new pedometer correctly, so who knows. We walked somewhere between 11 and 13. It definitely felt like more than 10. Blue and I did walk 4 point something or other today. Her pedometer said 4.12. I then clocked it with the car and it was 4.08 so I'm thinking her 13 miles might be accurate.
With yesterday's walk and today's that puts me over 160 training miles! WooHoo!
Tomorrow is my day of rest. I'm taking the day off to go up north for the tulip festival. The weather is questionable, but I really don't care. All I know is I won't be at work.
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