Monday, April 14, 2008

There are tulips in the garden; and tulips in the park...

Oh tulips. How I loath thee! I want to love them, but they just aren't cooperating this season.

I took the day off planning on driving up North to the tulip fields. Just me and my camera. Oh glory day. Saturday being almost 80 degrees here I figured that would give the tulips plenty of sun to poke their bright colorful heads out. But noooOOOO...well not all of them anyhow.

I took off this morning bright and early at 8am. I planned on getting up there and to the main garden location by the time they opened, so I could get my photos without people meandering in the background. First car in the parking lot (thought I was going to have to put the stang in 4 wheel drive in the parking lot - sheesh), first person to buy a ticket. The garden wasn't fully blooming yet, but there were enough. Set the camera up to what I thought would be a nice shot, and it doesn't work. What the...? Then I notice...I didn't have my CF memory card. Frickin Frackin! Okay, that's not what I actually said, but you get the idea. Now what? Either I drive all the way home and not bother - or I go find a camera store and buy a new CF card. I figured I needed a back up one anyhow so why not go buy one.

Find the one and only camera store around and they don't open until 9:30. Of course. Why would they be open? So I sat there for 15 minutes and pondered. By the time I decided, I noticed they were open. In I go, plunk my $$ down and I'm out the door. Funny camera guy did have to say they make a lot of $$ on people who forget things. Jerk! Thanks for reminding me.

Back to the garden, and it was crowded already. The sun wasn't shining the whole time, clouds covered it every now and then. But the darn wind was blowing. It's hard to take a close up of a tulip that's moving. Grrr....

But in the end, I think I got some decent shots. I did discover my tri-pod is too tall for closeup flower shots. It doesn't get close enough...maybe I need a new lens to get closer?

All the shots are on my Flickr site, but here are a few of my favorites.