Friday, April 25, 2008

Pay It Forward!

Not only one of my favorite movies, but I keep it in mind when good things happen to me. Not often, but every now and then people surprise me. Today was one of those days.

First, on my way to work there was a stalled car on an off ramp blocking one of the lanes. Everyone around me was honking and going around the dead car. Not a soul bothered to call the highway patrol. So once I got around it, I called 911. Pleasant voice on the other end thanked me for reporting it and told me that too few people don't call stalled cars in and ultimately they get called for an accident! So there! I saved someone from an accident.

I parked the car and went into Starbucks (yes I was driving and talking at the same time..even funnier to me is that I was driving and talking to the highway patrol who thinks we should drive and talk). In Starbucks, there was a woman and her husband in front of me. I'm very used to standing in line at Starbucks and rarely feel that the person in front is "taking too long." This woman and her husband were buying a Starbucks gift card. Honestly, it didn't take her any longer than normal. She walks away and it's my turn to order. The clerk says, "the usual?" My response, "er um yes!" Though I'm thinking that perhaps I frequent this Starbucks too often if I 1 ) now have a usual and 2) they know it. Then the clerk proceeds to tell me that the woman in front of me paid for my coffee becaus they took too long.

I thanked the woman and her husband and told her it wasn't really necessary. And as she walked away she said, "Happy Friday!"

So now I feel like I need to Pay It Forward. Who can I be nice to?

Skippy? Yah right, like that's going to happen.

Sales in general -

PMDude - he's already on the "be nice to" list for his donation

Blueberry? Won't see her until tomorrow and I'm not sure the "be nice" feeling will last that long

(Side bar: Not to mention we'll be attempting 15 miles tomorrow! Oh and it's going to be in the 70's. Remember last weekend? Snow! Go Figure)

The MomUnit? Can't be nice to her, she's floating in the pacific somewhere spending my inheritance.

Who then?


Al & Jo said...

Pick Me! Pick Me! I may be floating around in the Pacific, but I need someone to be nice to me! Remember who I am with...Crankypants.

Vicky said...

You can try being nice to me and answer my phone call...or at least call me back.