Thursday, April 08, 2010

Slow-motion weekdays stare me down....

Perhaps its just me, but I feel like I'm in one of those movies where they show the days of a calendar flipping off to show the passing of time. That, I swear, is how this week has gone. Warp speed! And how on earth did we get to April? In case you care, there are 260 more shopping days until Christmas! At this rate we'll be there before you know it.

Thanks to everyone who sent me comments, advice, etc after my last post. I can't say I'm any better off, but hours of soul searching and listening to advice, I think I know the road I must travel.

In other news, I cleaned my desk today of all toy like objects. I had "heard" a comment in a conversation about an impression that is set if one has "toys" on their desk. I wasn't sure if I was the "one" they were discussing, but in the environment of this conversation, I wouldn't be surprised. So all professional at work. I will not give them a reason to point to me and say I'm anything but professional and carries a strong work ethic. I've worked too hard to get to where I am to have them think/feel anything else.

The rebel in me wants to say "screw them" and let them have their impression, but I can't do that. Work is a place where - sadly - I do have to care what others think. But I'll tell you this, if I'm ever in a situation where I'm a boss, I will never let my employees be concerned about silly little stuff like this.

We lost one of our great staff this week. Well, not like we lost him and can't find him. No, instead he chose to pursue another path. I, frankly, was stunned and a little sad. He resigned one day and was gone the next. The company not opting to keep him for the standard 2 weeks - so bizarre I think. But whatever. He'll be missed. The Pointy Head Boss has left the building. Or as we liked to call him, "the stain".

The Stain was once my boss and while I often shook my head at some of his managerial styles at the time, I can look back and despite my best effort, I learned something from him. He was a rock. Solid work ethic and the type of guy you want in your company. When he's at your company and he believes in the vision, he is all in. A work horse, to be sure. A person who has a strong grasp on the work/live balance, but when at work, gives it 150%. He will be missed.

We are all a bit shocked at work and are dealing - sorta mourning actually - with the sudden departure. He's got a great new job and will succeed at that no doubt.

Watch this space...this is gonna be an interesting few months.