Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Break those chains that bind you...

In my case those chains would be those of unemployment. Tomorrow I start my new job. I'm not 100% what it is exactly other than PM stuff and it's in/around the group at Hotel CaliforniaSoft dealing the the Yahoo deal. That should prove to be quite interesting to me.

Still I'm thrilled to be finally going back to work. I've been off work for 2 months and I can tell you that two months is a good amount of time to be off, but that's all. Granted if I was living the life on some beach in Barbados 2 months may not be enough. But living the life in a townhouse in Redmond doesn't have the same amount of excitement.

Ironically this "list" of things I wanted to do with my time off - well that list still exists with only a couple of the items checked off. I certainly had enough time to get them done, just never felt it.

I did also discover that when I have a bunch of time on my hands, I'm horrible at planning and time management. How is that possible? I wrote the book on planning and time management! Yet, with too much time on my hands (gratuitous 80's song title just for you PMDude - you know you miss me!) I linger, dolt, dawdle, do nothing, procrastinate. Ugh. Me no likey!

I'm thrilled to be opening a new chapter in the book of life. I like starting new jobs - I think its from moving around so much as a kid. You learn how to adapt pretty quickly and how not to be the "new kid on the block". I found I actually enjoy that part. A clean slate. No mistakes have been made and you're only job is prove you are all that you say you are!

Well that's enough rambling for tonight. I just wanted to be sure all you who cared enough to stop by and those who aren't on Facebook (you know who you are) know that I'm in like Flynn (what the hell does that mean anyway?) And the best part about going back to work...I get to work 2 days and take a 3 day weekend!


Unknown said...

I think it's a proven fact that the more time you have, the worse you'll be at time management. My worst quarter in college was the one where I was only taking 3 classes instead of my usual 5. I had all this extra time to study and ended up with a worse GPA. I think I had this idea that I had all this extra time and I would do xyz "later".