Thursday, September 08, 2011

30 years ago today...

My parents got married.

Sounds weird to say that considering I was 12 when they married. I can remember it so vividly though that it makes me smile that I have such a wonderful memory and was able to participate in the wedding.

They were married at Lutheran Church of the Masters by Rev Dowling. He was a special reverend and dearly loved by the congregation, old and young alike. 

The wedding was small, just close family and friends. The reception was at out house in Lancaster.  The decorations were minimal and the cake was just a sheet cake.  It didn't matter though, the important thing was they were getting married and we'd officially be a family.

My God Parents stood up with them. They were good friends back then and are still good friends to this day.  I have several fond memories of time spent with GodMa and GodPa. 

I was excited to see the MomUnit remarry.  I was 12 and just starting the teen age drama period.  I'm still shocked to this day that dad was interested in raising a girl through her teenage years, shows he's a bigger man than most.  Mom's parents loved Dad and Dad's parents loved Mom.  Even Grandpa Spaid's humor came out at the wedding - he was a quiet man, but could make you laugh until your sides hurt when he had a thought to.

Our house was full of love, and promises of consequences for any bad behavior.  I'm likely still grounded for a few events I allegedly did. Being the only child at home though meant they were pretty sure "who dun it".  The Rents ruled with love and a firm fist. When I started hanging with some questionable kids - all who were bound for jail eventually - the Rents put a full stop to that.  Forbidding me to play with them. And their "forbidding" was final.  I eventually moved on and they promoted me attending a local church youth group with many of my other friends.  Dad would later say that he thinks that youth group is what set me on the life I have today. Providing more support than what our family already did.

Now 30 years later we're all grown and have some very fond memories stored from our life as a little family.  There were definitely bad times, and dark days, but oddly those are hard to remember.  There were too  many good years that shadowed the bad - and not enough space in the memory banks for the bad. 

So Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad. Here's to many, MANY more.


Anonymous said...

Your Mom looked like a teenager!! And I LOVE Grandpa pointing the gun at your Mom's Va Ja Ja.....LOL xoxo

Al & Jo said...

What a nice post Jennifer. Yes, we have had a wonderful, blessed life. It has had it ups and downs, but there have been way more "ups" than downs. So many memories are crowding my brain today....

BigBro said...

Good job sis.........glad to have you in the Fam (most of the time).

Anonymous said...

Quite an accomplishment to make it 30 years. How wonderful. Everyone looks as beautiful together today as they did 30 years ago. Congrats!