Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday (aka last day of break)

I'm still sitting her stunned that 100 days went by in a blink of an eye.  Somehow I have to slow down time, I'm not ready for it to move along so quickly. Ugh.

Tomorrow it's back to work. I'm so excited truth be told. I love the group I work in and really enjoy the actual work.  Plus the paycheck ain't bad either.

But before work commences, I'm finishing up last minute things for the 3day. Yes, my friends, the Seattle Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3Day is this coming weekend. My team (BigBro, Seattle SIL, and Blueberry) will be strapping on their well worn in shoes and walking 60 miles (give or take). Meanwhile, Super Walker Stalker, the Niece, and I will be driving Sparky and looking very hot and pink as we do it. Sparky has some new decorations that she'll be wearing, sporting the pink for a cause near and dear to my heart. 

In case you've forgotten, we do this because 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. That's way too many. We're out there to raise money to help find a cure. And before we find a cure, we can help raise money to affect change and help find better treatments.

Recently I read this in the book written by Nancy Brinker (founder for Susan G.Komen):
"Its my earliest inkling of what goes into change: movement meets messenger; information becomes action. Hearts and minds shift to a new paradigm, money happens and it all comes together."

And in case you still wanna donate go here:
Pick a Wraspir, any of them are great.

In other non related 3day news, last night was Sunday dinner.

Not too long ago I wrote a blog about the DadUnit and mania he cause with his BBQ ribs. I thought I'd take a shot at ribs. And I've gotta say, "Move over Dad! There's a new BBQ rib master in town."

OMG these ribs were so darn good. I highly recommend them.

The Pantry Goat did not want to share, but we made her eventually give up the platter o' ribs.

September Sunday Dinner Crowd: LTR
Pantry Goat, Packing Laurie, Seattle SIL, BigBro, Blueberry

Puck did eventually join the party. We couldn't take a Sunday Dinner Photo without the little pink duck.


BigBro said...

Ooooooooooooo Ooooooooo OOOOOOO Pick me Pick Me PICK ME!!!!!