Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Zoo...

Okay, first things first. I lost my blog template. So welcome to the new template. Some day I'm going to meet someone who can willingly, and freely, design me a blogger template. If that's you, let me know...

In other news, I went to the zoo this past weekend.  I haven't been to the zoo for 10 years and it's changed a little. I'm quite impressed with Woodland Park Zoo and how they've laid it out. I found myself conflicted with caging animals for our entertainment, and the realization that these animals have a pretty good life. Food, health care and shelter.

The Zoo was interesting. I was getting ready to ask for my money back because we weren't seeing any animals...and therefore ALL The kids around me seemed to be entering the city limits of Meltdownville. My suggestion was to toss a kid or two into the animal area and THEN we'd see animals. No one thought that was good of an idea as me.

Puck had a great time. He made a ton of new friends.

He felt right at home with them.

Here he is with Baby Hansa - the new - well used to be new baby elephant. I think Hansa is now like 5, but the statue hasn't aged.

We didn't see any gorilla's, but Puck did.

Puck felt right at home on this HUGE egg near the Flamingos.  I'm wondering now if Flamingos are really white birds, but they mate with Pink Ducks and thus they become Pink Flamingos...

We only saw the eye balls of the hippos.  Puck stumbled onto this one that was quite stuck in the mud.

And finally, Puck wanted to meet a lion. So he did. I'm just glad this lion was full or I'd be searching for Puck in the stomach of a lion.

Most of our adventures were viewing this site of the animals:

We saw a lot of backsides of the animals. Well, I saw the backsides, it seemed when I'd walk away they'd turn around. I have a special gift you see...animals respond AFTER I leave.

I actually like this back side photo. The tail makes it interesting to me.

This gal was checking out her cuticles and realized man oh man she needs a manicure.

The giraffes were more difficult to see. To see them up close and personal like you could pay extra to feed them. I debated long and hard on that...then saw the line and kids and decided I didn't need to feed the giraffes.

And this animal was the most pampered of them all. He has his very own pink beehive wig to sleep on. Spoiled! That's what this caged animal is.